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Total Posts: 180
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 11:52 AM
"Hey I've got an idea," said Rogue. "You weren't captured were you furday?"

"Not that I can remember," he replied. "They may have erased my memory and-"

"That's what I thought," said Rogue. "That's means you got all your weapons right?"

"Yeah!" exclaimed furday, "why didn't we think of it before."

"Beats me," said Hal.

He pulled out his blaster and quickly blew a hole in the bottom of the vent, then proceeded to open all the cell doors.
Hal walked out of his cell and looked around.

"So we've got a dozen or so force blind lunatics and one blaster against an entire Star Destroyer full of evil Jedi clones. Of us," said Hal.

"That's about the size of it," replied Pod.

"These odds are longer than a Hutt, and definitely more ugly," said Hal. "Sounds like fun..."


Stead 03
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 12:41 PM
Rogue heard someone coming. She gave them all a wave of her hand, indicating that they all get back in they're cells. She heard some of the girls moan softly. Rogue grabbed the key's from the desk, and went back in her cell, shutting it, but not locking it. She gestured for the rest to do the same.

Furday stuffed himself back in the airduct, and they all set to looking inconspicuous. Rogue stood in the shadows of her door. By now, the footsteps had entered the room, and Rogue sneaked a peak out the small window using her functional right eye.

Ewing's double...I'm gonna make him pay for this eye...The double walked past her cell, seeing nobody inside. Rogue snapped open the door, and Ewing turned around, surprised. She tackled him to the ground and he smiled.
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 12:42 PM
That's not how the double smiled...this is Ewing! Rogue kissed him, as everyone popped out of they're cells, expecting a fight. Furday even had his blaster drawn.

Ewing broke the kiss. "Good to see you, too." He said, as she moved to let him sit up. "Could have done without the pounce though....what happened to you're eye?" he asked worriedly, and his right hand came up to touch it.

"Huh? Oh, long story short, I don't think your double likes me."

His face became serious. "He did this to you? I'll kill him." Rogue smiled, and they both rose to they're feet.

"How about you, how'd you get here, and avoid capture? My double was going to get you..."

He smiled. "Long story, I'll tell you later."
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 12:42 PM
"Sorry to break up the big happy reunion, but we don't have time for this." Starstripe said.

"Yeah, we need to get out of here." Said Link. "Before I came in, I could sense that my apprentice was in trouble."

"Oh, I almost forgot..." Ewing said as he reached into his black trench-coat. His hands came back holding the lightsaber he made her."You might need this." He put it in her hands.

She smiled. "You think of everything don't you?"

"I try."

"Great," Link said. "Now we have three people armed. There are only about 20 of us here!"

*~* Executive Officer *~*

Total Posts: 279
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 3:32 PM
Mjade sat in the room. reaching out in to the Force,however no one answered.

"sithspit. days for all i know and they aren't hunting for me. oh wait i don't sence them that stinks.Maybe... hey whats this?" said Mjade as she saw some thing rolling towards her.

"R2-d2 is it you?"

Artoo whirred and beeped.

"All right know get me out of these cuffs"

Artoo deactivated the cuffs, and Mjade stood up.

"i'm free. free at last i'm free at last." Mjade sang.

Artoo gave an indignent beep.

"Hey alright where do we go from here?"

Mjade followed artoo while reaching search through the force.

Total Posts: 279
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 3:33 PM
./. Steadfast Pilot 08 ./.
The Missing Link 2005

Total Posts: 99
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 3:36 PM
They soon were making their way around the corridor, Rogue and E-wing hand in hand. She sensed Rogue's contentment and sighed to herself.

Well now that the happy couple has been freed, maybe we can get out of here and find my padawan!

Following along behind Furday and Haladar, her thoughts wandered. She began thinking out loud before she caught herself.

"Now how in stars are we getting out of this, freeing everyone else, mind you without getting ourselves killed..."

"Worry not my friend."

Link stopped dead in her tracks, as did the rest of the group.

"No..." she moaned. "Why did you have to follow me? Leave me alone! I don't know you!!! And you didn't save us!"

The creature stared at Link and began muttering in his language and much to her astonishment, Link understood him.

"Ok! You can quit whining about being taken advantage of. I'm not sure what I took from you but whatever. Just shut up and let's go." she hissed at the thing.

The Missing Link 2005

Total Posts: 99
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 3:54 PM
The thing beat its little wings trying to keep up with the group. Haladar fell behind Furday, stepping beside her.

"Link, what is that thing and how do you get rid of it?" he asked.

Looking him dead in the eye, she replied "If I knew how to get rid of it don't you think I would?"

Haladar said nothing. The creature hovered right in between the pair, listening to every word.

"Beat it!" Link snapped at it. She instantly felt bad as the thing backed off, looking forlorn.

Forget it. It's not important.

"I am so!"

Link had had enough. She whipped around and pulled out lightsaber, slashing at the creature. She stood there shocked as the saber met the creature and nothing happened.

Haladar stepped in front of her.

"Ok... Now what? That thing is obviously NOT going anywhere...." She looked at Furday.

"Any ideas would be lovely Commander." she said, her voice panicky.

Looking from Rogue, to E-wing, and the rest of the group she felt their accusing stares.

The Missing Link 2005

Total Posts: 99
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 3:55 PM
"Look. Do you guys think I asked for this thing to appear? I don't want some stalker nobody has ever heard of!"

Sighing in exasperation she began walking along with the others following.

(~~Stead 4~~)

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 5:12 PM
>I'll post a short one before I have to go... Course, now you know it's going to be an entire page long...<

=*=*=*=*Greenie One*=*=*=*=

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 5:27 PM
Pod shook her head at Link. "I don't think you have to be paranoid about him." She turned to the creature. "If you promise to stay on our side, you can come with us."

The little creature nodded gratefully, smiling.

Pod nodded and took Furday's hand and walked with him at the front of the group, alert to the Force, but not so much as too give away their position to the clones.

A thought struck Pod and she stopped abruptly, motioning for everyone to do the same. "Y'all, I just thought of another weapon." Everyone looked around at her, confused. She smiled and looked at Furday with a glint in her eye and he smiled too.

"I love the way your twisted little mind works," he said quietly. Then he spoke to the group. "Everyone, this way." He and Pod led them down a corridor.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 5:29 PM
When they reached their private quarters, Pod keyed in the passcode and she and Furday stepped inside, with a couple of other curious Psychos crowding in behind them.

Link looked around in awe. "Wow, you guys have a really big room. Power has some serious perks, it seems."

Pod pulled her lightsaber out of the dresser drawer and clipped it to her belt, then went to the closet. She opened the door and stepped inside, then pushed one of her dresses aside, exposing a keypad. She typed in a string of commands and a door with an invisible seam opened out in the room proper. Furday made some whistling sounds and out lumbered Fluffy, his leash in his claw.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 5:29 PM
When they reached their private quarters, Pod keyed in the passcode and she and Furday stepped inside, with a couple of other curious Psychos crowding in behind them.

Link looked around in awe. "Wow, you guys have a really big room. Power has some serious perks, it seems."

Pod pulled her lightsaber out of the dresser drawer and clipped it to her belt, then went to the closet. She opened the door and stepped inside, then pushed one of her dresses aside, exposing a keypad. She typed in a string of commands and a door with an invisible seam opened out in the room proper. Furday made some whistling sounds and out lumbered Fluffy, his leash in his claw.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 5:29 PM
Pod hid the keypad again and closed the closet door behind her, and held her hand out to Fluffy, who placed the leash in it. She clipped it to his collar. "Good boy, Fluffy! You want to help us kill some evil clones of us?" Fluffy started to shudder in anticipation and salivate more heavily. "That's a good boy!" She scratched him behind the ear.

=*=*=*=Greenie One*=*=*=*= >gotta go! if anything happens to fluffy, it'll be treason! lol<
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 5:54 PM
Wondered what happened to Fluffy... Rogue thought, still holding Ewing's hand. "Wait!" Everyone turned to look at her, even Ewing, who knew what she was going to say. "When did you install that?"

"When did I install what?" Pod asked. Everyone's eyes moved to Pod.

"That!" Rogue said gesturing with her lightsaber.

"Oh, that." Everyone's eyes kept moving back and forth whenever the two spoke. "That was there."

"That was cargo space! Now I can't hold as big a load of Blended Ewok as I used to..."

"That's a problem..." Ana said.
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 5:55 PM
<oops...that shouldn't all be in italics...>

"...And where did you get the parts for that? I hope those aren't my emergeny parts..."

"Ooops. Rogue, maybe we should handle this later...when there are less people around." she suggested.

"And when we're in less trouble." Furday put in.

"They're right...we have more important things to worry about at the moment." Ewing said.

"Alright, so what's the initial plan?" Link asked.

"We need weopons." Furday put in. "If you came on the Dreams, go grab any weopons you brought on board." Those who applied ran to thier respectable quarters to get thier things.
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 5:55 PM
"I have a couple blasters on board...there's one on the bridge, in the drawer under the copilot's seat. There are a few in what remains of the cargo bay, and there is one in my quarters." Rogue said. Several people ran to get the weopons.

The only people left in the room now, was Pod, Furday, Ewing, and Rogue. They all sat around a table, Rogue still not letting go of Ewing's hand. "Before you all start planning, can I make a suggestion. We have to recover the rest of the psychos. Me and Rogue can run flyby in our snubfighters to locate them, and give you air support."

*~* XO *~* <Furday, you lay out the plan. Here's a little info though. I managed to fit both my X-wing and his E-wing into the small slab of transparasteel you call a hanger bay. It requires careful manuvering to get them out, but it can be done. :) >
The Invisible Ana

Total Posts: 2201
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2002 9:22 PM
>This bump brought to you by the Coalition of Advocates of Britney Spears Impersonators Impersonating Britney Impersonating Elvis. (CABSIIBIE)<

^-^Stead 6^-^
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2002 7:30 AM
<Where do you get this stuff from Ana? That's hillarious...>
The Invisible Ana

Total Posts: 2201
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2002 7:44 AM
>My head, where else?<
* Sarah *

Total Posts: 2894
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2002 9:17 AM
>My head, where else?<

>And that's why we let her join the rest of us psychos... :D <

The Invisible Ana

Total Posts: 2201
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2002 11:03 AM
>Oh great, don't I feel special. ;)<

^-^Stead 6^-^

Total Posts: 936
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2002 11:53 AM
MsSolo woke up, and stared around her. She was in a corridor. Getting up, she wandered around a bit until she saw a sign pointing the way towards the cellblocks. Great! Even the cloned pyschos forgot I existed. what happened to this whole 'exact reverse of the pyschos' thing, huh?

Hands in her pockets, shoulders hunched, MsSolo slouched her way up to the control deck. Out of the window, she could see hte Jedi Punks &co arriving in their various ships. She waved out of one of the viewports.

A light started clinking on one of the control panels, and after a little experimentation MsSolo managed to activate the comms unit.

"What's going on?" Han Solo asked. MsSolo stomach flipped lazily and she clutched the control panel to stay upright. And keep from melting into a pile of goo.


Total Posts: 936
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2002 11:54 AM
"Not much. I mean, all the other pyschos have been relentlessly cloned and the clones have taken over the ship with some evil scheme to do something evil, and even the clones forgot I existed but that's probably for the best, and I accidentlly hit an alarms button so this suspiciously deserted control deck will in all likliness be swarming with said clones in a few mintues, but hey!"

The staticy image of Han frowned. Or possibly winked, MsSolo wasn't certain. It was a very staticy image.

"Why don't you have any clones?"

"Oh, I missed out on the whole clone thing back on which ever planet we were all on. Perhaps there's so many mes inside my head they couldn't work out what the opposite to me would be." Han Solo started to look nervous. Or possibly jubilantly happy. MsSolo sighed and gave the projector a hard whack. Definately nervous.


Total Posts: 936
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2002 11:55 AM
"Look, we'll come and help. Can you open the docking bay?"

"Um, no."

"Why not?" Han demanded.

"Well, it took me almost ten minutes to find the button to open a comms channel. And those clones I mentioned have arrived."


Haladar's clone cut the transmission and stared at MsSolo.

"Who are you?"

She didn't bother reply. There wasn't anything to reply to. I mean, why talk to someone you've just severed the head of, after all?

One of Link's clones raised a hand, timidly. "If we don't remember who you are, are you going to kill us?" Definately a clone, MsSolo decided, since when was Link timid?.


Total Posts: 936
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2002 11:55 AM
Rogue's clone gave her the once over. "This is MsSolo. My counterpart spends most of her time giving this one Blended Ewok." MsSolo grinned.

"Actually, I'm MsSolo, um, 4!" She bluffed.

"Where are the other three MsSolo clones?" one of two Beeurd clones that had dashed to the bridge demanded.

"Err, one's inflitrated the punks, and um, the other two were killed! By the punks!" To MsSolo's great relief, they accepted the story.

"Come on, evil's afoot!" Furday's clone beckoned for them to follow.

"Come one, I wouldn't call a limb evil," MsSolo wheedled. Then added, "Oh, wait, that's not what you meant, was it? We're the cheesy evil. 'kay." She nodded encouragingly, nad the clones continued,unaware of the true pyscho in their midst.

Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2002 3:21 PM
<I'm gonna post!>
~*:)*~ SF Lead ~*:)*~
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2002 3:33 PM
The Punks helped each other out of the cells, one by one. The place was so noisy with blaster fire and metal against metal that no one heard the desperate cry of a fellow Psycho, still trapped and forgotten.


Sticks slumped against her cell wall. The noises had stopped a while ago, and now only Sticks remained behind. It wouldn't be long before the evil clones would find out that she was the only one left, that all the others had escaped.

As if on cue, a group of evil Psycho's burst in. "Oh, no, they've escaped!" and evil Link moaned.

"Great, now what do we tell Lord Yoda? He'll have our heads if we don't find them," Furday cried, and started running around the room frantically. Now that's funny. Furday loosing his cool? That would make a great pic for the Psycho scrapbook, Sticks thought to herself.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2002 3:40 PM
"Wait, there's still one here." MsSolo came up to Stick's prison. Sticks frowned. Something looked different about this MsSolo clone...she didn't quite look evil...MsSolo's eyes met Sticks' eyes, but darted nervously away.

"Where did the others escape to?" Rogue 2 demmanded.

"Go to hell!" Sticks screamed.

"Take her out of here and put her in a more escape proof cell," Sticks 3 commanded, and Sticks was drug out of her cell. She barred her teeth at her evil clone as she was drug by.
~*:)*~ SF Lead ~*:)*~

Total Posts: 180
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2002 4:20 PM
The psychos, now armed, were heading up to the bridge of the Star Destroyer, when suddenly, Pod stopped, causing Link to walk into her.

"What you do that for Pod?" demanded Link

"I just had a thought... where's Sticks?" she replied.

"Good question," said Furday.

"Yeah.. everyone else is accounted for," added Hal.

Stretching out with the force, the group could find no sense of Sticks.

"Well... that means she must be in that prison block where we were being held," said Rogue.

"Yeah," said Furday, "some of us have to go back for her. Rogue, take over and lead the rest up to the bridge. Pod, Hal, Link and I will go back and find Sticks."

"Got it, commander," said Rogue.

Rogue quickly lead her group toward the bridge, whilst Furday, Hal, Pod and Link turned back, headed towards the prison level...
Exar Kun Lord of the Sith

Total Posts: 220
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2002 4:26 PM
i gotta take a #### !!

Total Posts: 180
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2002 4:27 PM
Quickly moving back down the corridor, back towards the prison level, the small group of Psychos found the ship to be eerily quiet. They got back to the detention block in no time at all, and after a thorough search, confirmed that it was empty.

"Hmmm.. I don't get it," said Hal. "What on Eart-- err, I mean Corellia could have happened to her."

"I don't know," replied Pod, "If these Ysalimiri weren't here, we'd know if she'd been here."

"Well... I don't think there's much we can do about it. We'll just have to look somewhere else," said Link.

"That'd take years... Furday, were there any other detention areas on board?" Asked Hal.

"Not that I know of, but the whol of Lord Yoda's bit of the sip is unknown to us.

"I'd bet 1000 creds that's where Sticks is then," suggested Link.

"No bet... you'd win," said Hal, smiling slightly.

"Right, we'd better keep going," said Furday.

The group walked off towards Lord Yoda's domain...


Total Posts: 180
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2002 4:27 PM
<woo! 3000 posts! Party at Beeurd's place! BE's all round>

Total Posts: 214
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2002 4:47 PM
<I have a way to bring JainaSolo, the Punks, and the others back into the story. So, if you don't mind, could you keep the Pyschos on the Death Cabbage and keep at least Darth Yoda alive? Thanks.>

[-Green Ten-]
The Invisible Ana

Total Posts: 2201
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2002 9:50 PM
>This bump brought to you by Duro Groundside Real Estate. We'll find you the plot of land of your dreams.... or we won't! © <

^-^Stead 6^-^
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Aug 17, 2002 5:35 AM
<I thought we all were on a Star Destroyer. But yeah, we'll keep Yoda alive....>
The Missing Link 2005

Total Posts: 99
Date Posted: Aug 17, 2002 6:46 AM
Link followed quietly behind the others.

How could we have forgotten her! I'll never forgive myself for this one.

The group arrived at the cell Sticks should have been at. Peering in, they saw nothing but an empty chamber. Link looked back and forth between Haladar and Furday as if to say, "What now?"

"Well fine mess this is..." she quipped.

The group conversed briefly as to Sticks' whereabouts. They settled on Lord Yoda's Domain.

"I'll take 1,000 cred bet on that." Link said.

Haladar smiled. "No bet. You'd win."

The group walked on towards the domain, Link following, a sinking feeling in her stomach.

Already her mind was telling her something was wrong. Something just didn't feel right. None of the other seem to have caught it. They were all walking along, talking and laughing.

All too soon they arrived at the Domain.

(~~Stead 4~~)
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Aug 17, 2002 4:16 PM
~*:)*~ SF Lead ~*:)*~
<I'm kinda stuck on ideas right now...>

Total Posts: 214
Date Posted: Aug 17, 2002 4:58 PM
<About the Star Destroyer, no one stayed behind to watch it. I originally meant for it to fly off into space with no to watch it. But we can use this development to our advantage...>
The Invisible Ana

Total Posts: 2201
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 7:31 AM
Stead 6

Total Posts: 29
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 1:34 PM
>I'm really JainaSolo;)*!!!!!!!
can I write about me now?? Pleeese, Unknown????

here I go...(sorry, Unknown!)<

Total Posts: 29
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 1:40 PM
JainaSolo sat on the giant Cabbage with a bald Ewok sitting in her lap on a large golden throne. She absentmindedly stroked its head.
In front of her, Lord Yoda was kneeling on the floor, surrounded by several of her Ewok minions.
"It has been accomplished, my mistress. The Psychopathic Jedi have been captured."
"Excellent. Everything is going according to plan." she paused, thoughtful. "Haul Bad Furday in here, I need to talk with him about several ranks. And the basic command structure, name, and chain of command in our little group." Yoda bowed.
"It shall be as you wish." he turned and left. JainaSolo looked at her bald ewok.
"I fear, Squeaky, that our friend Yoda will not accomplish his goal.

Total Posts: 29
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 1:46 PM

all the ewoks in the galaxy assembled in front of Jaina's throne.
"Go my minions! Bring me yadruF daB and adoY!" she screamed. The ewoks began bouncing up and down excitedly.
"yadruF daB! adoY!" the began to chant. JainaSolo held up a bottle of strong Blended Ewok. A hush fell over her minions.
"Remember the consequenses of failure! Now go! Go and do my bidding well!"
And, bouncing, the Ewoks hurried to comply.
Jaina fell back to stroking Squeaky. Today would be a good day. A very good day indeed.

Total Posts: 29
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 1:58 PM


Furday and Podracer cautiously turned the corner, blasters ready. They ran to the next corner, and quickly repeated the process.

Furday stole a glance over his shoulder, and was horrified to see a wall of Ewoks riding towards them. Podracer was unaware, but quickly learned of her plight.

The ewoks quickly stun-cuffed Podracer to a momument of JainaSolo. She bared her teeth at her fellow Psycho's stone face.

Bad Furday stood and watched cheerfully as the ewoks carried away his girlfriend. he also was amused as the little teddy bears knocked him out and carried him towards JainaSolo's throne room, which the Psychos were running past, as if they didn't see it. They didn't seem to see Furday, either.

"This is treason!!" Furday shouted before being knocked out again, as the plot had failed the first time around.


Total Posts: 29
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 2:04 PM
>It's really Tahiri*Solo this time around!!!

JainaSolo (me, for this sentance) is givign her a rank; but I do not know what it is just now: feel free to give my friend here a nice, shiney, new rank!!!

All right, here I go!<

Total Posts: 29
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 2:19 PM
~Thousands of light years away~

"Okay, I have gathered you all here today to talk about a very important subject that concerns the lives of every Jedi in exestince (sp). It has come to my attention that blah, blah, blah..." Anakin Solo stopped listening to his Uncle Luke go on and on and on.

Finally he gave into his need to sleep (it was 2:00 in the morning--or what ever passes for time around here)Anakin called this standard lecture No. 9 and was not about to listen to it all over again.

After all, you couldn't be a Jedi and not learn how to sleep with your eyes open.

Grinning delusionally, Anakin fell asleep.

And just after two minutes of slumber, Anakin awoke to a voice in his head. He groaned and said, Not now Tahiri, can't you not see that I am sleeping? Or do you not know what that means?

Tahiri rolled her eyes towards Luke and said, Of couse I know what that means o bright one! I was just going to say lets blow this popsicle stand!


Total Posts: 180
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 2:30 PM
>Okay Tahiri*Solo, from now on your rank is Cadet 03. Go to and sign up there. Welcome to the Psychos!<

Total Posts: 29
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 2:31 PM
You two are supposed to be listening to Master Skywalker! You are very inconsiderate of your elders! Corren Horn butted into thier conversation.

Stop listening to our conversation!Anakin replied.

Yeah! Listen to Anakin! Tahiri said.

Anakin concentrated very hard on making a bug fly into Corren's mouth (which was very hard considering he had to listen to Luke's blahing). Some Jedi surrounding Corren almost fell of their chairs with laughter.

Anakin flashed A famous Solo grin at the older Jedi. That will teach you to keep you large and over used mouth shut!

Tahiri glanced up at the stage and stood up and cheerfully walked out, waving happily at poeple with astonished looks on their faces.

Total Posts: 29
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 2:33 PM
Thanks Haladar...once again, I'm JainaSolo;)*. Is every1 at GB??


Total Posts: 180
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 2:33 PM
>oops... make that <

Total Posts: 180
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 2:33 PM
yeah.. they're all there. Not at the moment, but they all turn up at some point or other.

Total Posts: 29
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 2:39 PM
>It's really me again<

Anakin stared disblivingly(sp) at Tahiri walking out the door. She reached the door and motioned for Anakin to follow.

Anakin shook his head and followed Tahiri's example. Luke watched Anakin go and shook his head.

Anakin looked at Tahiri and said "Would you stop being so gnarly?"


Total Posts: 29
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 2:40 PM
I'm assuming you're on the net right now, then. I'm going to go to GB--as myself!!!
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 4:11 PM
<I'm gonna post now...>
~*:)*~ SF Lead ~*:)*~
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 4:27 PM
JainaSolo sat atop her throne waiting. Sticks stood quietly and obidiently to her right. JainaSolo watched as four very familiar faces were drug in to the room. "Welcome to my lair, Pod, Furday, Link, and Hal. We've got some things to talk about," she said.

Link looked up and gasped. "JainaSolo? Sticks?!?" Sticks stared back at her with a blank look on her face. "What did you do to her?" Link screamed.

"Oh, she's been brainwashed. She will only answer to me now," JainaSolo cackled. "Now, down to business. Furday, I'd like to talk to you about the Psychopathic Jedi. First off, I want all lead positions, including Commander."

Furday snorted. "And what makes you think I'll agree to this?"

"Cuz if you don't, your friends will pay."
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 4:36 PM
Furday glared at JainaSolo. "No."

"Your choice..." Jaina Solo turned to Sticks. "I think it's time for an alternate form of persuasion. Put the Star Trek music on Pod's ears," she commanded.

Sticks picked up a set of headphones and started for the helpless Pod. Pod screamed. "No! Please, no!!!" Sticks paid no attention to her screams.

Link, Hal, and Furday watched in horror. They knew if Pod listened to one note of that, she'd be lost...forever...

"Sticks! You're a Psycho! You can't do this! You love Star Wars!!!" Hal cried desperately.

Sticks continued on...
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 4:49 PM
Furday watched in horror as Sticks got closer and closer to Pod... "Sticks! Emily! Come on! We're your friends! Don't do this!"

Sticks continued on...

Link gasped. Only steps left. "Sticks! What about Ani?"

Sticks hesitated for a moment, but then took another step, and started to bring the headphones up to Pod's head. Pod, by this point, was wailing. Seeing her chance, Link tried again. "Sticks, you can't do this. Remember Anakin Jade? You love each other! Come back to us, Sticks, come back!"

Sticks stopped and said in a strange voice, ""

"Yes, Ani. He's here, on this cabbage, and he wan't very much to be with you again," Link said. Tears started streaming down Sticks face, and she dropped the headphones. "Come on, lets get out of here!" Link whispered.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Aug 18, 2002 4:54 PM
JainaSolo, realizing that her plan had failed, screamed. "NO! You can't do this! That brainwashing was supposed to be permenant!" She held up a shampoo-like bottle and read, "Brainwashing shampoo, level 3, is perminent, and will only come out if the subject's brain is lost. Hey, this stuff must not work!"

"No, that's not the reason. Love is always stronger than evil, JainaSolo," Hal said. JainaSolo started wailing, and Sticks took the chance to untie everyone. The five Psychos raced out of the room to catch up with the others.
~*:)*~ SF Lead ~*:)*~

Total Posts: 180
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2002 6:52 AM
>This bump brought to you by the Iron Mines of Kessel: Spice? Hah! Kessel is all about iron!

Total Posts: 29
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2002 10:11 AM
I'm JainaSolo;)*

me posting

Total Posts: 29
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2002 10:14 AM
JainaSolo went back to stroking Squeaky, her bald ewok. she sighed sadly.

"Well, squeaky, if they won't cooperate under friendly terms, then we'll have to keep them from leaving this cabbage." she looked up and raised her voice. "go my minions! destroy all the ships on the cabbage!!!

"mwhahahahahahaha...we have them now, Squeaky."


Total Posts: 29
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2002 10:21 AM

millions of light-years away, JainaSolo;)* woke up under a table in Rogue's cantina on Myrkr. All she remembered was Link shouting about the end of the world, but everyone seemed to have left her here.

She 'borrowed' a ship and set off after her fellow psychos, following the homing beacon she had put on their ship.

but when she got to the second giant death cabbage, she discovered that her friends were hapelessly lost and confused. Upon landing, in fact, a band of ewoks destroyed her 'borrowed' ship. she nodded to herself.

"riiiight. I'll bet someone has Pod listening to Star Trek again..." she set off in search of everyone else.


Total Posts: 29
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2002 10:28 AM

when JainaSolo finally managed to find Link, Hal, Furday, and Pod, however, they were exactly the opposite of happy to see her. JainaSolo had to wrench the blaster out of Link's hands with the Force before she got shot.

"Seriously, what's gotten into all of you?"

"You just tried to take over the Psychopathic Jedi, torture Pod with Star Trek music, brainwash Sticks, and make us all your slaves. And you're asking what's gotten into all of us????" Furday exclaimed.

JainaSolo was very confused by now.

ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2002 1:03 PM
<Okay...that made absolutely no sense...I can't even post becauser this all has to be sorted out first...>

*~* XO *~*
The Invisible Ana

Total Posts: 2201
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2002 1:05 PM
<I'm so lost...>
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2002 3:06 PM
<Turns on homing beacon and hands control to Ana* Now you're not!>

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2002 3:53 PM
>*blinks in utter surprise* Wow. I compltly understand it for once. And, Um... I'm going to fix this mess.

>And just for the record, that Star Tr-tr- aw, I can't even say it! That music thing was positively evil! Had I been on this weekend, heads would have rolled... Ah, well. Better late than never! lol<

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~
=*=*=*=*Greenie One*=*=*=*=

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2002 4:32 PM
By now, Pod was shuddering with her own pent-up rage. "Okay! Obviously, that JainaSolo is an evil clone!"

Link took a cautious step away from Pod, and Furday tried to calm her with a hand on her shoulder, which Pod ignored.

Pod tried taking several deep breaths, but to no avail, and her anger came out as one frustrated cry. She turned to Furday, and held her hands together, in front of her, begging. "Please, please, let me kick her butt!" She turned her eyes back to her hands and imagined tearing the evil clone to shreds.

Realizing he really didn't have a choice, and was rather eager for a little payback himself, he answered by drawing his lightsaber. "Let's go clone-killing, shall we, love?"

Pod pulled her fists back excitedly. "Yes!" She didn't bother drawing her lightsaber. That clone will be begging me to use it when I'm done with her...


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2002 4:32 PM
She and Furday led the charge back into the throne room, bursting throw the doors and standing before an amused JainaSolo-clone. "Oh, back so soon?"

Before Furday could answer, Pod responded in the sweet tone she uses... right before she hurts someone. "You bet we're back, Trekkie Scum, and we're back for blood."

The clone met her gaze with confidence. "Is that so? And how do you propose to claim it?" With a gesture, Ewoks had swarmed the room and surrounded the five.

Pod raised an eyebrow theateningly. "Go ahead. Give the order. WE'll celebrae our victory with Blended Ewok. Lot's of Blended Ewok."

The Ewoks stirred at that threat, but remained in position.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2002 4:33 PM
The JainaSolo clone smiled and raised an eyebrow of her own, and issued an order in Ewokese.

A single wave of Ewoks charged at them, but the Psychos easily fought them off without their lightsabers.

Pod turned back to the clone. "Anymore?"

The evil JainaSolo let a snarl part her lips. "That was child's play, and part of my plan to tire you out." She smiled again and gave another order, and the rest of the Ewoks charged towards the group.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2002 4:33 PM
Pod and Furday both reached into the Force, found each other, and gathered their energies like ppulling back a fist in preperation to punch something. Just as the Ewols closed in and were nearly on top of the group, Pod and Furday released the Force, sending the Ewoks flying back, then up into the air. They spun around for a bit, forming them into a tight group, then pinched a nerve in each of their brains and they fell unconscience.

The couple set the Ewoks down on the decking and turned to face JainaSolo's clone, faces devoid of exhaustion. They took several steps towards the now frightened clone, hand in hand.

Furday spoke to her. "Clone of JainaSolo, you have been found guilty of the following charges--"

"--Treason," Pod continued. "Attempted mutiny. Attempted murder. And most terrible of all, the blasphemy of Star Trek music."


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2002 4:33 PM
Furday continued. "For this you are hereby sentenced to life in Pod's House of Pain, undergoing constant torture of pod's choosing."

*=*=*=*Greenie One*=*=*=
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2002 4:37 PM
<*folds over laughing* That was great...makes you feel sorry for the clone...wait! Trekkie Clone! I get to help! EEL!>

*~* Executive Officer *~*
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Aug 19, 2002 5:27 PM
<Oh right...story...krif...I don't...> \\

*~* XO *~*

Total Posts: 29
Date Posted: Aug 20, 2002 7:55 AM

Pod grinned, "Maybe we'll put on some Star tre..tre..Oh you know what I mean! That awful music on some ear phones for you to listen to!"

"You are so evil!" JainaSolo screamed.

"Hey you think I'm evil? What about you? With your dear ewok minions?" Pod replied, shaking her head.

The Missing Link 2005

Total Posts: 99
Date Posted: Aug 20, 2002 6:38 PM
Link pulled Sticks out, rambling on about Ani, trying anything to keep Sticks from looking back.

"He loves you, you love him. He's waiting for you. I promise you." she told Sticks.

Sticks followed along, more like a zombie than herself.

Finally, Link and Sticks stopped along with Furday and Pod. Link pulled her blaster out as JainaSolo approached and prepared to fire upon her.

Link felt the blaster being force pulled away from her and looked over, seeing an infuriated Pod. Taking a cautious step back, she let Furday deal with Pod and stepped menacingly towards JainaSolo.

"You are gonna pay for this sleemo!" she screamed.

Feeling her anger rise to an unreal level, she attacked Jaina Solo, taking her down.

(~~Stead 4~~)

>Sorry guys. This isn't one of my better posts. I only havea half hour at night to get on here and to GB both. Again, my deepest apologies<
The Invisible Ana

Total Posts: 2201
Date Posted: Aug 21, 2002 9:43 AM
>This bump brought to you by the Confederation Of People Who Are Totally Lost As To What Is Happening In The Story (COPWATLATWIHITS).<

Total Posts: 279
Date Posted: Aug 21, 2002 11:32 AM
"Sith lost" yelled Mjade, unfortanatly that was the wrong thing to do. After she yelled out 50 ewoks came and tied her. they took her lightsaber.

"You evil sithspawned teddy bear. i'll have you for a drink when i get free." said Mjade.

Artoo also tied up was beeping.

All of a sudden Mjade couldn't feel the force.

JianaSolo came out.

"well well. another psychopathic weirdo. while your friends figure out which JainaSolo is really real and which one is a clone, you will be tortured with star trek music."

At that Mjade started to laugh.

"What is so funny psycho scum?" asked JainaSolo, quite upset and red in the face at be laughed at.

"oh just the fact that i actually like star trek. and that listening to Star trek theme song are not a form of torture. in fact torture is bad for you. it always back fires."

Total Posts: 279
Date Posted: Aug 21, 2002 11:38 AM
"well then i will find a way to torture you"
"good lucK"

after about twenty minutes JianaSolo had depleted her supply of "torture" music.

"Sith know what do i do?"

"Here let me help you."

Of course Solo was preoccupied and didnt relieze that once Mjade took a step she could feel the Force.

once she stepped out...

<some one pick it up. please... comp class is about over>

.//. stead 08 .//.

¡La fuerza esté contigo!

The Invisible Ana

Total Posts: 2201
Date Posted: Aug 21, 2002 7:24 PM
>This bump brought to you by the Bi-Annual Thinkers Guild (BATG).<

Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Aug 22, 2002 1:10 AM
<this bump brought to you by The Blended Ewok Corporation.
Now available in Krayt flavor!>

None shall pass.
-=[Cadet 001]=-
The Invisible Ana

Total Posts: 2201
Date Posted: Aug 22, 2002 1:25 PM
>This bump brought to you by the Association of People Against Corporate Endorsements (APACE).<
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Aug 22, 2002 1:29 PM
<wait....Kryat? I am so getting my secretary on the phone...Kryat and blood flavor in one month? Blood will be shed for this outrage...>

*~* XO *~*
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Aug 22, 2002 7:40 PM
*This bump brought to you by Stick's Eyewear*

*Can you see me now? Great! Can you see me now! Perfect! Can you see me now?*

~*:)*~ SF Lead ~*:)*~

Total Posts: 66
Date Posted: Aug 22, 2002 9:04 PM
<this bump brought to you by YCOPWCUWTHSCBTDHABTDHATTTFTRLanonymous, helping the members of the Yearly Convention Of People Who Catch Up With Their High School Classmates Because They Don't Have Anyone To Talk To From Their Real Lives>

<Just cause I retired doen't mean I can't come on here once in a while...>
The Invisible Ana

Total Posts: 2201
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2002 6:48 AM
>This bump brought to you by Portable Refresher Units Incorporated, Outer Rim Chapter (PRUI, ORC). <

Total Posts: 279
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2002 10:57 AM
...She front flipped tackleing the clone.
"Now where are the others?" asked Mjade, taking out a modified hold out blaster.
"now again where are they? trust me you don't want to make me mad"

"THere in the Hanger." shouted JianaSolo.

"well know that ain't so hard. Now is it?"
JianaSolo just wimpered because Mjade was reaching for the Star trek Music.

"Here listen to this." Mjade held the blaster and placed the Headfones on her. Mjade then prodded her in the back.

"lets go."
Mjade, Artoo, JianaSolo (with a face of horror), and the Ewoks all went to the hanger.

.//. Stead 08 .//.
<there now maybe i can be in the main story?>

Total Posts: 180
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2002 3:04 PM
This bump was thought out and engineered by Corporate Sector Authority Business Solutions. We think outside the posting box!
The Invisible Ana

Total Posts: 2201
Date Posted: Aug 23, 2002 9:38 PM
>This bump brought to you by the Swimming Pool Installations Service of Tatooine. We'll provide you with a pool, you provide the water!<

Total Posts: 29
Date Posted: Aug 24, 2002 11:41 AM
JainaSolo sat in a Cantina in Mos Eisly (sp) cracking up at a holo in front of her. The holo was of the pycopathic jedi and their struggle in the giant cabbage.

Then it came to the part where Mjade told her she was a sleemo. She about fell of her chair laughing. The people in the cantina looked at her and she waved a hand at them. She took a sip of blended ewok, picked up the holo projecter and walked out into the Tatooine heat.

Now it was time for her to go rescue the psycos so that she would be named a hero. She grinned at the thought of a nice shinny metal.

Than she walked to her x-wing.

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