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Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2002 3:26 PM
<I'm gonna post>
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2002 3:38 PM
The Punks all sat around in the Horn's living room chilling out and drinking beer. Jaina held Allie on her lap, and Allie's twin sister, Allie, sat on her uncle Jacen's lap.

"Umm...," Jacen stuttered. "Uh...umm...uh...."

Zekk groaned. "Not again!"


"Friend Tenel Ka, your turn it is," Jaina stated.

"Hey, you never said anything about me having to change any diapers!" Tenel Ka whinned.


"Grr," Tenel Ka growled, and got up from the couch. She lifted Allie off of Jacen's lap, and handed the crying baby to Zekk. "Come on, husband Jacen, changing time." She took Jacen by his hand and led him over to the changing table.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2002 4:04 PM
Tenel Ka held her nose, and started changing Jacen's diaper. "Ugh! And I thought he smelled bad on the outside!" she moaned. "I am seriously going to kill whoever neglected to potty train this nerf herding piece of sith bantha fodder!" Tahiri laughed. "Not funny." Tenel Ka glared at the blonde.

"Hey, my dad's here, you guys," Valin announced.

"Finally! I thought we were gonna have to send out a search party after him," John complained.

Corran Horn entered the room, clad in brown Jedi robes, and aiming a blaster at the bunch. He blew a sign of relief when he saw who was in his house. "I thought someone was robbing my house," he confessed, then grinned as Jysella and Valin flew into his arms.

"Hey, daddy, you wouldn't believe what happened to us!" Jysella said eagerly.

"Later," Jaina said sternly. "I have a favor to ask of your dad."
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2002 4:12 PM
Corran turned to the young woman and regarded her with weary eyes. "If you want what I think you do, the answer is no. I'm getting to old to rescue your parents."

"But they've been gone for a week without any word!" Jaina protested.

"Knowing them, they're probably off on some world having a romantic vacation and it just slipped their mind to give you guys a call," Corran reassured the Punks.

"True..." a now dry Jacen agreed.


"Han, what are we gonna do?" Leia asked her husband.

"Hey, it's not my fault that one of my old we crashed the Falcon on Mon Calmari and were captured by native spiders!" Han put on his most innocent face.

Leia laughed in spite of their situation. Han and Leia both hung upside down from a gigantic spider web. "What?" Han asked.

"You look like a gigantic cherry," Leia laughed.

Han's face, already red from all the blood that rushed to his face, got suddenly very redder. "Oh, look who's talking!" he shot back.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2002 4:20 PM
Leia sobered. "Yea, if we stay here much longer in this upside-down position we're gonna die."

"Looks like we might die much sooner unless we find a way outta here," Han gulped, watching a giant spider crawl towarnds them.


Anja laughed, and watched Anakin trip while running up the stairs towards the runaway Allie. "Come on, Annie, it's just a baby!"

Anakin glared at her. "This is no ordinary baby," he complained. "Ordinary babies don't learn how to run and climb stairs at 3 months!"

Tahiri laughed. "Come on, Anakin, stop being such a baby!" She ran up the stairs past her husband, and scooped the runaway girl into her arms. "See? No trouble."

Anakin heaved a sigh. "Right..."


Han and Leia wathced the giant spider lumber towards them. "Whoever knew there were giant killers on Mon Calmari," Leia muttered.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2002 4:32 PM
"Giant killer spider?" the giant killer spider asked in suprise.

Han frowned. "You talk?"

"Of course I do," the spider said. "I human, just like you. And I think you have it all wrong! See, I'm not going to kill you, I want to marry you!"

"Great, what is it with these bozos wanting to marry my wife?" Han muttered. "Sorry, pal, but she's already taken," Han said to the spider.

"But I do not want her, I want you," the giant spider corrected.

Leia gapped in suprise. "Umm...I'm flattered, but...umm...lets get a couple of things straight," Han said to the beast.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2002 4:39 PM
"First: I'm already married, to her." Han pointed towards Leia was, or would have if his hands weren't bound up in webbing. "Second: you're a giant spider, and I'm human. Last: you're a boy. I'ma boy. I'm not gay."

"What about that time when-" Leia started, but was cut off by Han.

"Shutup, Leia," Han cut in sharply, glaring daggers at his wife.

"This does not matter. We are bound together by love. It is unavoidable!" the spider said. "I will let you go, lady, but my love must stay with me."


"Shh," Leia whispered in Han's ear. "I'll go for help."
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2002 4:56 PM
The spider cut Leia free of the webbs, and Leia ran to the Falcon and blasted off towards the nearest town. The spider glanced seductively at Han, and Han gulped. "I hope she hurries..."


"What?!?" Jaina burst out laughing. Leia stoopd on the other end of the holo wearing a serious expression. "Come on! You mean to tell me that Dad has been captured by a giant gay spider? You can't be serious!" Leia sighed. "You're serious, arent you?" Jaina stopped laughing. "Fine," she sighed. "We'll come there. Where are you guys?"

"Mon Calmari," Leia said.

"Why are you-- oh, never mind. We'll be there in a couple of days."

"Hurry, who knows what's happening to Han at this moment," Leia said, and bit back a laugh.
~*:)*~ SFP One ~*:)*~
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jul 1, 2002 7:42 AM
~*:)*~ SFP One ~*:)*~

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Jul 1, 2002 10:17 AM
>I uh... whoa. I hanve no clue how to respond to that one!<
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jul 2, 2002 6:08 PM
*laughs, and trips over the thread, accidentally bumping it up to the top*
~*:)*~ SFP One ~*:)*~
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Jul 3, 2002 7:48 AM
< hey guys! 3 Anakins? A Gay spider....whoa...

Okay, you're all doing a great job! keep up the good work. You guys are having a mad streak.

Oh, Bounty Hunterz, since i have no idea who you are, i'll just have to assume, that when you heard someone say Rogue, you thought it was someone else. Has someone given Terminator a rank yet? Terminator, you should really sign up at GB. Just keep it in mind.

Keep up the good work people!>
*~* XO *~*
Terminator 2100

Total Posts: 1602
Date Posted: Jul 3, 2002 10:43 AM
Alrighty, but please I'd love a rank love writing.

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Jul 3, 2002 1:45 PM
>Terminator, here's a link: Some one can give youa rank there. I can't anymore. *sighs* Sith, I don't even know mine. Oh well.<

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 3, 2002 2:19 PM
> lol.
> I'll post as soon as I figure out a decent way to make this more confusing ;)

-=-=-= Stead Three =-=-=-

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Jul 3, 2002 3:55 PM
>Good ol' Beeurd.<
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jul 3, 2002 3:57 PM
<lol, pod said I should fix this...but I don't know what to do either... *puts on an innocent face and whistles*>

~*;)*~ SFP One ~*;)*~
* Sarah *

Total Posts: 2894
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2002 3:00 PM
>bump over the locked threads<


Total Posts: 279
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2002 7:32 PM
Meanwhile, back at MOn Calamari, Han was trying to talk the spider out of...ummm...wanting him.
"Listen, pal you don't want me. Come on i'm not like that."

The sppider said" well, i think yoou need to know that i can be either male or female."

Meanwhile, liea was trying to get a certian Wookie to stop laughing.

"Look Chewbacca this is not a laughing matter. this is serious." ,all the while trying not to laugh.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jul 5, 2002 7:47 PM
<*sigh* allright, I'll post>
~*:)*~ SFP One ~*:)*~
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jul 5, 2002 7:59 PM
"We're entering Mon Calmari's atmosphere. According to Mom, Dad should be in those woods right there. Lets put down over there," Jaina said to her friends.

"Umm...when exactly is Leia coming here to help?" asked Tenel Ka.

"She said she was going to get some more help from Chewie," Jacen reminded his wife.

"All right, here's the plan. Jacen, Anja, John, Valin, and Zekk go to the spider nest. Jaina, Tahiri, Tenel Ka, and Jysella come with me. Once everyone is in place, Lowie will distract the spider, while Jacen's group will rescue Dad," Anakin told the group.

"Allright, but what is your group going to do, Anakin?" Jacen asked doubtfully.

"You guys go rescue Dad, and we'll go get some beer," Anakin said.

"Oh, sounds good to me!" Zekk rubbed his stomach. "It's been to long since I've had alcohol," he said, and threw an empty beer can aside.

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 2:15 PM
> Um... you still posting?
> If not I will...
-=-=-= Stead Three =-=-=-
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 2:23 PM
<No, sorry, my internet stopped working after I posted that. You go ahead.>
~*:)*~ SFP One ~*:)*~

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 3:07 PM
"No Zekk, you're in Jacen's group" Anakin said. "Go to the spider."

"Aww," said Zekk, and promptly picked up his can and started drinking the dreggs out of it.

"So lets go find your dad then." said Valin.

"Yeah." agreed Zekk, "Then we can go find the others in the cantina."

"Come on then." Jacen sighed - in his head he couldn't decide what he wanted more: his dad, or beer. Eventually he decided on dad, because then Han would probably by him some beer...


"This looks like a nice place." said Jaina, as the group walked down a wide Mon Calimari street. She had chosen the place because of the delicious smell of seafood coming out the door.

"Yeah I'm starving!" said Tahiri, "I haven't had seafood for ages!"


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 3:18 PM
They walked in and sat down in the lounge area.

"Funny restaurant, this." Anakin commented, "There's no bar, no tables, and only this one seating area."

A Mon Calirian approached them.
"Can I help you?" he asked.

"Yeah, what seafood specials have you got?" Jaina asked.

"And what drinks do you serve?" Anakin added.

The waiter looked horrified, and was speachless.

"We could smell seafood from outside, you do sell it don't you?" Tahiri enquired.

"We ceratinly do not!" The outraged Mon Calamiri yelled. "This is a crematorium!"

"Oops." said Jaina, "My fault, won't happen again."

The group ran out of the building as quickly as possible, meanwhile, the attendant called Mon Cal Security to track them down...


"How many times do I have to say NO!" Han said for the umpteenth time.

"You know you want me" The spider said.

"Yeah, I want you like I want a blaster-bolt in my back."


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 3:35 PM
"I could soon arrange it for you too" The spider said calmly.

"You couldn't hold a blaster." Han laughed.

"You'd be surprised what I can do."

Shuddering, Han said, "I don't think I want to know."


"Mom said he was round here somewhere..." Jacen was saying.

"Jacen watch it!" John was saying, before he realised that Jacen had already triggered the trap and they were falling.

"Great!" Anja yelled as the plummetd towards a...


They were stuck in a silky mat of some kind... As they looked around they saw Han Solo, and a huge spider staring at them.

"Erm, Hi." Jacen said.

"Friends of yours?" The spider asked Han.

"Sorta" he said, "What are you lot doing here?"


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 3:40 PM
"Leia sent us to rescue you." Zekk said to Han. To the spider he asked: "Got any beer around? WD-40? Blended Ewok? Anything?"

"No, no, no, and yes." the spider said.

"What have you got then?"

"Venomous juice from my fangs." replied the spider."

"I think we'll give that a pass." Jacen quickly said, before Zekk could answer.

"Where's Lowie?" Anja monaed.

"I'll give Anakin a call..." Jacen said, and reached for his commlink.


Anakin answered his commlink as it crackled to life. "Um we are in a bit of trouble at the moment," he said, "call back later."

"No, it's Jacen! And it's important!" Jacen said.

"Oh good it's you, did you find dad?"


"So are you rescuing him now? Remember Lowie needs to distract the spider."

"Well we don't know where Lowie has gone, and were sort of, a, um, a bit stuck at the moment..."


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 3:52 PM
"Jacen!" Anakin moaned. "Can't you do anything right."

"Neither can you." was Jacen's reply.

"Okay, we'll be there as soon as possible"

"Thanks bro." Jacen said.

Anakin turned to the others, "Well Jacen's messed up, and Lowie's gone missing, we're being chased by the MonCal Security Force because we insulted their dead by mistaking them for seafood. Some rescue missin this turned out to be..."

"So what do we do now?" Jaina asked.

"Go and find Lowie, and rescue everyone else from the giant spider, I suppose"

"Let's go!" said Tahiri.

The started off walking through the backstreets, to avoid patrols that might be after them. But they hadn't reached the nd of the street when the bumped in to one.

"Get them!" The Mon Calamiri yelled.

"I'll handle this," said Jysella.

"You?" Ankain said, baffled.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 4:00 PM
"Hey! You forgot to get dressed!" Jysella shouted, waving her hand at the security team.

"Hey! We forgot to get dressed!" They yelled together, before slinking off into the shadows, hiding from anyone who might see them.

"Nice one!" Anakin appluded.

Before long they reached the hole where Jacen and the others fell down. They could see the web stretched out below.

They were wondering hwat to do, when they heard a familiar sound.

"Lowie!" Jaina exlaimed.

"Roarer Aruuuughyyyk argh ooooohyyyeah!" [This door here goes down to a platform just above the web!] Lowie said.

"Good work!" Jaina said, and they allwent down to the platform.


"So, you are Jacen Solo?" the spider asked.

"Yeah." said Jacen.

"So, where's your bratty brother?"

"How should I know?" Jacen replies.

Above the web, the rest of the Punks watched and listened.

"I'd like to meet him again" the spider said.

"Again?" Han echoed


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 4:10 PM
I'm going down there Anakin told the others.

Be careful Jaina told him.

Anakin found a spot that didn't look sticky and jumped down onto it. And stuck.

"Sith!" he said out loud.

"Anakin, what a pleasant surprise!" The spider said.

"Do I know you?" Anakin asked.

"Yes, but you won't recoginise me in my mutated form." The spider told him. "I'm Vladimir!"

"Umm, what? You want to eat me or something?" Anakin asked.

"No, no!" laughed the spider "I ate my creators just before leaving Coruscant, I won't need to feed for a while."

"What then?"

"I'm going to poison you, it's non-fatal, but you will be in a lot of pain, and then after a couple of weeks, I'll suck all you blood out."


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 4:10 PM

"Thanks." Anakin managed to say. "You're too kind..."

"Indeed" The spider said, and then it tied Anakin down to the web and bit him with hois poisoned fangs.

"And you lot are all free!" he said to the rest as he let them all go. Then he went back and started building an intricate 3D maze around Anakin, to prevent intruders getting him.

> Done...
> Sorry, I had some evil thoughts at the end there :D
-=-=-= Stead Three =-=-=-
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 5:43 PM
<k, I'm gonna post...and if I don't for some reason, go ahead and internet...>

~*:)*~ SFP One ~*:)*~
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 5:50 PM
"Ok, I'm confused," Anakin said to Vladimir. "Why did you pretend like you were in love with my dad?"

"Oh, that was all part of the plan. I knew that your mom would send a rescue team, and I knew you would be part of that. So you see, your dad was just the bait," Vladimir replied.

"Oh. So what exactly did they do to you after I left the cell?" Anakin asked.

"They poked and prodded, then injected me with this fluid that was supposed to make me into a porcupine...but obviously, it failed, and I became this old ugly spider. I escaped by poisoning everyone there, stole a shuttle off Coruscant, and was going to fly to the Outter Rim to hide in shame, but my craft was damaged by some pirates above Mon Calmari. I rode the escape pod down to this dump, and realized I was stuck on a planet that didn't have the forests that I needed in order to live, so I forced some aliens into slavery, and made them grow a forest for me."
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 6:01 PM
"Is that all?" Anakin asked Vlady the spider.

"No. I sat day after day planning my revenge on you. I didn't know how I was going to lure you into a trap here, but then Han and Leia dropped by for a visit and presented me with a perfect hostage. You know the rest of the story. So what have you been doing all this time?" Vladimir inquired politely.

"Oh, ya know, the usual. We've been staying over a the Horn's place while my parents were gone. I think I can say that I visited every single cantina on Coruscant now," Anakin bragged.

"Wow, must be nice, to have all that money to do all that stuff..."

"Oh, we didn't pay, we charged everything on my parent's charge card," Anakin said.

Vladimir looked frightened. "'m outta here! I'm not going to be around when your parents find out!!!" The big ugly spider ran off and left Anakin bound by webbing.


"Uh-oh..." Anakin muttered. "Mom found out...wait, Vladimir!!! Take me with you!"
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 6:07 PM
Vladimir was, unfortunately, long gone by that time.

Leia stormed into view. "You are in major trouble, young man. No beer for-"

Anakin gasped. "No!"

"-a month," she finished. Anakin feinted.


The rest of the Punks were in hearing range when Leia said those unfortunate words. "Poor Annie," Jacen muttered.

Tahiri feinted. John, overwhelmed, sat down on a porcupine. "Ouch! What is this beast doing here?"

None of the other Punks paid any attention to their ex-enemy. Their thoughts were all on poor, poor Anakin. "One whole month without beer," Tenel Ka breathed. "That, my friend, is a major ouch..."

The Punks, minus the unconcious Tahiri, all winced when they heard the anguished Anakin scream. "Maybe we'd better leave the poor boy alone for a little while," Anja suggested.

"Yea, lets go get a beer," Valin said.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 6:12 PM
Leia stormed away from he son, and joined her husband at the nearest Cantina. Anakin moaned, then reached for his comlink. After unsuccessfully trying to contact his fellow punks, Anakin went in search for a ship. Maybe, just maybe, he could steal a ship and flee to the Outter Rim. He was about to leave the spider web, when he realized that he was still stuck in it. He heard a faint growl in the distance. "Lowie? Lowie!!! Help me, will ya?"

Lowie came out of the bushes, moaned his appologies about the beer situation, and helped his friend get out of the webbing.
~*:)*~ SFP One ~*:)*~

Total Posts: 279
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 6:14 PM
<would not want to be Anakin right now>

./. Steadfast 07 ./.

Total Posts: 279
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 6:21 PM
<the credit caard thig gave me an idea>

"Han i swear that boy will...Argghhhh." said Leia.
"Well, he is just a kid still." replied Han.
"OH you would defend him."

"Excuse me Ma'am and Sir, but since your charge card is overcharged,how do you plan on paying?" asked a Mon Calamari bar tender.

"Han pay him please."

"ummmm, Princess. I'm afraid that i don't have any creds on me."

"What?!?!?!?!?!?" yelled Leia.

"No, i'm afraid yu will be spendining some time in the dention center umtilll you get some money" said a now smug Mon Cal waiter.

"Kids, come on please help us." yelled leia and han as the Security guards hauled them to the Dention center.

"Sorry. but then we wouldn't have enough money for our own beer." said Zekk.

Total Posts: 279
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2002 6:22 PM
<oops forgot this>

./. steadfast 07 ./.
Psychopathic Chief of Intel
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Jul 7, 2002 11:13 AM
The detention cell was dank and smelly.

"What a wonderful place this is!" sneered Han, as he kicked at some moss.

Leia was examining the walls and floor of the cell.
"I'd guess we're pretty close to the ocean," said Leia. "That would explain the smell and the...plants."
She noticed Han organizing the moss into a smiley face on the floor.

Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Jul 7, 2002 11:39 AM
Han looked up from what he was doing in surprise.
"Don't you like my masterpiece?" he asked.

Leia rolled her eyes at her husband. Han rolled them back to her.
"Don't ever do that again!" he said. "It totally freaks me out!"

Leia put her eyes back in and smirked at Han.
"It makes for a more interesting stay in the detention center, doesn't it?!" she asked.

Han decided to change the subject.
"There's got to be a way out of here! Maybe if I climb up on the bed, I could see if we could get out through the- "

Leia lifted him up towards the ceiling with the Force.

"- ceiling. Oh, thanks hon!"

0))) Commander (((0

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 7, 2002 3:36 PM
> Me post! (again)
-=-=-= Stead Three =-=-=-

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 7, 2002 3:45 PM
They climbed out onto the roof and brushed the moss off them.

"That's the first cell I have been in with plants." Han said.

"Yeah, " agreed Leia, "it's certianly more interesting than AA-23, cell 2187..."

"What's that?"

"Where I was on the first Death Star, before I had to help you escape." Liea said.

Han laughed, then they looked around for a way off the roof, but the soon realised it was a balcony, and the entire Mon Cal police force were having lunch right behind them.

"Please excuse us" said Han, and the both jumped back down the hole into thier cell.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 7, 2002 4:01 PM
They were pondering what to do next, well Liea was, Han was just making moss-sculptures....

"Hey! I've got it!" Leia suddenly exclaimed.

"What!?" Han said, equally excited.

Leia moved closer and whispered something in his ear, then kissed him.

"So when's lunch?" he asked.

Liea glanced at her chrono, "About an hour, I think."


Anakin and Lowieheaded towards the cantina where the others had gone. Ankin fell over several times.

"Roooooouyyah rokkyyyahka?" [Are you alright?] Lowie said.

"Yeah," replied Anakin, "but I think we need to find an antidote for this poison soon."

"Yayayayayaaaarghyykka?" [How about WD-40?] Lowie suggested.

"Might work," Anakin said, "but mom says I can't."

"Grooughya Yahky 'yawk yakkhargh'" [She only said 'no beer'] Lowie stated.

"Hey, your right!" Anakin exclaimed as Lowie helped him through the cantina door.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 7, 2002 4:21 PM
The other Punks were sat round a table by the door, probably incase they needed a quick exit, which they usually did.

"Oh, Anakin, I'm so sorry about that no beer thing" Jacen told his brother.

"Yeah and sorry we forgot to rescue you." Jaina said.

"It's alright," Anakin replied, "I'd do the same for you."

"Hey!" said Jaina.

Anakin sat next to Tahiri, "Can I get you anything?" She asked

"Yeah, an Extra Strong Blended Ewok please." Anakin said.

"Coming right up!" said Tahiri, as she raced off to the bar.

"Hey, Ani." Valin said, "You don't look so good."

Everyone agreed.

"I think you need to get to a med centre" John suggested.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 7, 2002 4:41 PM
"Yeah, I was hoping this Extra Strong Blended Ewok would work," said Anakin, "after all, it kills brain-cells. Apparently."

Tahiri came back with his drink, and he gulped the thick black liquid down in one go.

"Beautiful!" He cried, "The best ever!"

"Hey, you look better already." Zekk said.

"Ahh, alchol - the cure for everything." Anakin said happily.


The Mon Calamiri guard opened the cell door and put the lunch in front of Han and Liea.

"Enjoy!" was all he said, but Han and Leia didn't reply.

He turned and went back out the door, locking it behind him.


Meanwhile, Han and Liea were walking casually back to the Falcon.

"Do you think they realised that the us's that were there were really moss-sculptures?" Han asked.

"Well we haven't has any trouble so far." Leia said, and they both boarded their ship.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 7, 2002 4:42 PM
"I suppose we'd better take the kids with us." said Han.

"Yeah" Leia said, and sighed. Then she sent a comm message to them to hurry up and get to the ship, so they could get away from this place.

-=-=-= Stead Three =-=-=-

Total Posts: 279
Date Posted: Jul 7, 2002 6:05 PM
" what's that beeping sound I'm hearing?" asked the slightly intoxicated Anakin, who was know starting to feel the Extra strong blended Ewok.

"thats my communicator." said Jacen.

"well answer the doggone thing. it's giving me a headache. On top of the one i got." replied anakin.
"okay Mom we'll hurry." said Jacen as he turned to the group. "okay mom and dad have escaped jail and want us to get to the ship."

At that moment a group of Mon Calamari gangbangers rounded the corner into the cantina. "There they are. The Boss wants them. NOW!!!" said the leader.

"oh sithspit" said Tenel Ka. "RUN!!!!!"

./. Steadfast 07./.
Chief of Psychopathic Intel.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jul 7, 2002 6:07 PM
<"oh sithspit" said Tenel Ka. "RUN!!!!!" ROTFL...>
~*:)*~ SFP One ~*:)*~
<I'd post, but I gotta go...>
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Jul 8, 2002 3:09 PM
< Good save on the spider situation...

Terminator, you are now Cadet 6
And Pod, you're rank is Green said you didn't know. *shrugs.>

*~* Executive Officer*~*
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Jul 9, 2002 6:09 AM
< This bump is brought to you by Blended Ewok! Now available in new Caf flavor!

Blended Ewok! Yub Yub, It's good!>


*~* XO *~*

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Jul 9, 2002 10:11 AM
>Thanks, Rogue. I looked on GB the other day. lol, Like I'll remember it.<

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~
=*=*=*=*Green Five*=*=*=*=

Total Posts: 279
Date Posted: Jul 9, 2002 5:52 PM
<"oh sithspit" said Tenel Ka. "RUN!!!!!" ROTFL...>

<i take it you like it? >
./. Steadfast 07 ./.

Total Posts: 66
Date Posted: Jul 10, 2002 11:09 AM
<Hey is anyone still posting? I havn't done anything in a while, figured I should...>
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Jul 11, 2002 5:59 AM
< Go ahead Ani...I've got no good ideas...>

*~* XO *~*

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Jul 11, 2002 8:33 AM
Um...I'm guessing that you're not posting, sense that was yesterday...

I have an idea!! ::cheers::

But I'll wait for someone else to post...

~_~_Sf Lead_~_~

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 11, 2002 1:51 PM
I'll post them :)
-=-=-= Stead Three =-=-=-

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 11, 2002 1:57 PM
Actually I'm not.
-=-=-= Stead Three =-=-=-

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 11, 2002 3:47 PM
It was Lusa!
Now I'll post :D
-=-=-= Stead Three =-=-=-

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Jul 11, 2002 3:56 PM
>You're very proud of yourself for that, aren't you?
>Poor Corran. He's got so much to read, and I bet he doesn't understand any of it, and now Beeurd is posting... : ) <

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 11, 2002 4:02 PM
"Wur yoooooooooooou goin?" Anakin said.

"Someone get him, quickly!" Jacen yelled.

Lowie ran back, knocking out a few Mon Cal on the way.

"Hi, Mr Furry!" Anakin shouted.

Lowie growled something nasty to Anakin, and then picked him up over his shoulder and ran to the other Punks.


"Oh look," Leia said, "here come the kids."

"Oh, what have they done now?" Han said, noticing the hoard of Mon Cal chasing them.

They all got in to the Falcon, and Lowie punched the door controls shut.

"Great." Han muttered, and he flew the Falcon away from Mon Calamari.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 11, 2002 4:16 PM
"When we get home, I think I'll tell grandpa to ban that Extra strong stuff" Jaina said.

"Oooooooh! Preeetty Lights!" Anakin said from somewhere down the corridor.

The other Punks nodded in agreement.

"Well," Han said, "We're almost home, so it won't be long till you can tell him."

"Good, I think we could all so with a rest." Tahiri said.

"Were is Anakin anyway?" Han asked.

Zekk pointed round the corridor.

Han walked round to the cabin, and couldn't see Anakin anywhere.

"Button!" he heard, and glanced over to see the engine room door open.

"Oh no!" Han yelled.

Suddenly all the lights went off and the ship dropped out of hyperspace, with all non-vital systems offline.

"Where are we?" Han yelled up to cockpit.

Leia checked the Nav Computer: "Just above Myrkr."

Han felt the ship pass through the planet's atmosphere. "Just what I need to be. Stuck on Myrkr with a shipload of Jedi..." He went into the engine room. "Anakin, what did you press?"


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 11, 2002 4:31 PM
"I didn't do it!" Anakin yelled, and ran into the nearest cabin and locked the door.

"I have a bad feeling about this" Valin said.

"I knew someone was going to say that sooner or later." said Han, as he headed back to the cockpit.

"This could be bad..." Leia said as her and Han watched the planet's jungle surface approaching quickly.

"Let's hope we land in the right place" Han muttered.

"What? Why?" asked Leia.

"There must be more Force energy on this ship, than those Force hunting Vornskrs down there."

"At least there will be plenty of Ysalimiri to hide with." Leia suggested.

"Well," said Han, "I'd rather it didn't come to that. Come on, we need to find out what Anakin did."

"Where is he now?"

"I think he went to bed" said Han, "he locked himself in a cabin anyway."


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 11, 2002 4:32 PM
"He is going to have such a headache in the morning" Leia said, as the pair entered the darkened engine room.

"This isn't going to be easy." Han said.

Just then the Falcon hit the ground and slid over to rest titled forward in a ditch.

"Wonderful" Han said.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 11, 2002 4:33 PM
Too tired to post anything else.

lol, yeah Corran's got a hell of a lot to read...

-=-=-= Stead Three =-=-=-
The Missing Link 2005

Total Posts: 99
Date Posted: Jul 12, 2002 10:05 AM
"I didn't!" screamed Anakin. Han walked down the corridor to the cabin room where Anakin had run to.

"Ok can you just come out then?"

"You don't want me to!"

They bickered aimlessly for several minutes and then Han, frustrated kicked the door in.
He took one look at Anakin and fell over, unconscious.

Leia heard a loud thud come from down the corridor.

"Please tell me Anakin didn't just whack Han with his hilt again..."

She hurried down the corridor, peered into the room and screamed, falling unconscious into a heap on top of Han.

Anakin, a malicious gleam in his eye, chuckled...

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 12, 2002 3:07 PM
Is that TBC or what?
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jul 12, 2002 9:35 PM
<what's wrong with Annie? lol...I don't know how to post to this one...>
~*:)*~ SFP One ~*:)*~

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 13, 2002 5:54 AM
> He had an Extra Strong Blended Ewok, so he's a little bit drunk, he did something in the Falcon's engine room, and now they have crashed on Myrkr, home of the Force hunting Vornskrs (what the Vong used to create the Voxyn), and the Ysalimiri.
>However, I havn't got a clue what this falling unconsious thing is about....

-=-=-= Stead Three =-=-=-
The Missing Link 2005

Total Posts: 99
Date Posted: Jul 13, 2002 8:58 AM
... Anakin stood there laughing maniacally.

"They are so bright!!!!"

He turned and walked out.

A few hours later, Han and Leia regained consciousness.

"We have to find him before he does it to someone else!" cried Leia.

"You're telling me but my tracking device is down. Like permananetly." remarked Han.

"WHAT! That's the third one this week!"

The pair got up and ran in search of Anakin and met up with several others in the process.

Chuckling, one of the others asked Han and Leia, "Was it that bad?"

"YES!" they cried in unison.

Another of the others stepped forward and whispered to the first, "Obviously they've never seen a dead fish before!"

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Jul 13, 2002 9:19 AM
>Beeurd, I think Link just replaced you as the random and utterly confusing writer...<

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~
The Missing Link 2005

Total Posts: 99
Date Posted: Jul 13, 2002 9:09 PM
>Mission accomplished :)<
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jul 13, 2002 9:34 PM
<We'll I'm confused! Good job, Link, lol>
~*:)*~ SFP One ~*:)*~
The Missing Link 2005

Total Posts: 99
Date Posted: Jul 13, 2002 9:38 PM
>*mock bow* Ani taught me well. I can't think of anything else to post in the story at this point. Feel free... <

Total Posts: 66
Date Posted: Jul 14, 2002 12:32 PM
<Sorry...not findig time to post here. Yeah, I know, I know...*rolls eyes* sounds stupid, but...I'll try eventually.

Lole,"Ani taught me well" :D

Total Posts: 936
Date Posted: Jul 14, 2002 12:32 PM
Hmm, is this going to be an Asterix thing, or more particually, an Unhygenix and Fulliautomatix thing? Cacophonix could join the band!
I wonder how many people here have any idea what I'm on about?

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 14, 2002 1:19 PM
I wonder how many people here have any idea what I'm on about?
Not many, I'd say (me included)

How is that confusing? (when compared with things like the Anakin/Rancor bit, The Dream Sequence (which I started), there's bound to be more...)

But anyway, to cut a long story short - I'm posting.
-=-=-= Stead Three =-=-=-

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 14, 2002 1:27 PM
"I need to get this ship fixed" Han was saying. "Can any of you help?"

"As long as it doesn't involve loud noises" Anakin, who had the galaxies biggest hangover, groaned.

"We'll help," Jaina said for her and Zekk, "and we'll make sure we are extra noisy."

Zekk looked around to the others for help.
Jacen waved him over to Han and Leia.

"You too Jacen" Han said.

"But..." Jacen started

"Come on!" said Han. "And why isn't Chewie with us?"

Valin answered. "You left him on Coruscant so you and Leia could have a romantic weekend on Mon Calamari"

"Shut it, you." came Han's relpy.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 14, 2002 2:11 PM
The repair team stepped out of the Millennium Falcon and into the jungle.

"Um dad?" Jacen asked, "Exactly what planet are we on?"

"Err why?"

"It doesn't feel like a friendly planet"

Han changed the subject: "Look there's where the circuits blew. If we climb that tree we can get on top of the ship to fix it."

They started climbing the tree.

"What's that?" Jacen said as something made a noise beside him. He turned round to become face to face with a ysalamiri. "A Ysalamiri!" he exclaimed.

"We had better not be on Myrkr" Zekk said.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Jul 14, 2002 2:12 PM

"Of course not!" Leia said, "We're on... Yavin 4!" she said, unconvincingly.

"Well, if I see ONE vornskyr trying to eat us, then we'll all hide behind you." said Jaina.

"Lighten up!" Leia said, "It could be worse!"

They all got ontop of the Falcon and where about to start working when Han said: "I've said it before, and I'll say it again. - It's worse."

The Jedi, and Han, were surrounded by vornskyrs, waiting for them to come down from the ship.

-=-=-= Stead Three =-=-=-
The Missing Link 2005

Total Posts: 99
Date Posted: Jul 14, 2002 4:50 PM
Meanwhile back on Coruscant...

Chewie looked back and forth between the X-wing and the podracer. Deep inside he knew he should follow the instructions given to him but the temptation was too great.

His gaze settled on the X wing yet again. He made up his mind and became the climb to the #### pit. He looked around, making sure no one was there and climberd in, fired it up and took off.

As he ascended into the rapidly darkening Coruscant sky, he looked down and saw hundreds of droids and men alike waving and shouting at him. Paying them no heed, he continued to fly forward at a rapid pace.

He took a left turn and found himself in the middle of a dark alleyway. He sensed he shouldn't be there however with his inquizzitive nature he landed the X wing.

Climbing out he looked around and heard loud, excited chattering noises behind him. He turned and looked down spying several odd looking creatures.

The Missing Link 2005

Total Posts: 99
Date Posted: Jul 14, 2002 4:51 PM
>ok it won't let me use the term for the pilots area so there you have it. go figure.<
The Missing Link 2005

Total Posts: 99
Date Posted: Jul 14, 2002 4:56 PM
A slightly bewildered pilot from the docking bay Chewie had taken the X wing from climbed down and walked over to the Wookie.

"What you got there big guy?"

Chewie bellowed and the man turned and looked down.
"What the... They don't exist...."

Chewie and the pilot both looked down at the menacing little creatures from Men in Black. About that time, two MIB agents ran into the alley, grabbed the aliens, and ran.

"Sorry wrong planet!" the agents called and flashed their neutralizers.

The pilot and Chewie stood there staring at one another and then simultaneously ran for the X-wing and flew off, arriving back at the docking bay moments later.

The Missing Link 2005

Total Posts: 99
Date Posted: Jul 14, 2002 4:57 PM
>ok sorry. I just watched MIB and then I just got the chance seeing Cheiw was on Coruscant...<
The Invisible Ana

Total Posts: 2201
Date Posted: Jul 14, 2002 10:40 PM
<This bump brought to you by me! Teehee!>
The Missing Link 2005

Total Posts: 99
Date Posted: Jul 15, 2002 10:25 AM
>lol nice one<
The Invisible Ana

Total Posts: 2201
Date Posted: Jul 15, 2002 10:33 AM

Total Posts: 43
Date Posted: Jul 15, 2002 11:58 AM
I'am Posting
---~*Green 6*~---

Total Posts: 43
Date Posted: Jul 15, 2002 12:05 PM
*back to the Punks*
"I think you better call you-know-who" said Leia to Jacen . Everyone gasped and turned to look at her.
"You can't possibly mean--" said Jaina
"Who are you going to call?" asked Tenel
"GHOSTBUSTERS!" yelled everyone

all done
---~*Green 6*~---
The Missing Link 2005

Total Posts: 99
Date Posted: Jul 15, 2002 12:14 PM
The Ghostbusters burst through the door, scaring the life out of Jaina.


Leia came running to see what Jaina was raising a fuss at.

"Who are they? And why are they dressed so funny?" Jaina demanded.

"They're merely figments my dear. Merely figments..."

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