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Ongoing Comedy: Jedi Punks - 3225 replies on 36 pages. 3 replies posted today.

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Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Apr 10, 2002 3:43 PM
<I just finished RD and I couldn't resist bringing Jag Fel in...maybe we should have some fun messing with his mind then kill him off...?> :D

~_~_~_Sf Lead_~_~_~

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Apr 10, 2002 4:48 PM
>Oh, why would you want to kill him off?<

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Apr 10, 2002 5:15 PM
<ok, me post i think!!>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Apr 10, 2002 5:34 PM
"Haha...I've got an idea..." said Kyp, with an evil glint in his eyes. "They just weaned Jaina off of her burrito addiction...haha!"

Just moments later, after running to the nearest burrito shack, Kyp knocked on Jaina's door, holding a large bag full of burritos.

"Who-oh, hello, Kyp." said Zekk. "What are you doing here? I thought we told you to stay out?"

"I brought by a gift for Jaina...since she's finally over those terrible moodswings fro burritos..." said Kyp.

"How thoughtful. WHat did you bring?"


"NOO! Out! OUT OUT OUT!"whispered Zekk, looking around guiltily. "None of that! Please, PLEASE, PLEASE go away!! She just got over them!"

"Who's at the door, sweetie?" asked Jaina.

"Uh, no one!" called Zekk, slamming the door in Kyp's face.


Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Apr 10, 2002 5:36 PM
"Uh-huh. Open the door." said Jaina, no believing him for a second. She reacehd over and opened the door. "Kyp? WHat are you doing here- BURRITOS!!!! YOU BROUGHT ME BURRITOS!!! GIVE ME NOW!!"

Kyp just grinned evily at Zekk. "Haha." he whispered, handing the bag to the now burrito crazed Jaina. "Byebye."

"No! You Sith!!" shouted Zekk. "You'll pay for this!!"

"And that's what you get for kicking me out of your house when I needed shelter." said Kyp.

"Yeah? Well, she'll get over this again really easily, you'll see." called Zekk. He turned to watch Jaina savagely devour the last burrito.

"More. NOW!" shouted Jaina, hurling Force lightning at him. He turned and fled from thier apartment. While running, Zekk hit his comlink.

"Jag Fel here." crackled Jag's voice.

"Hi, Jag. Listen, I was wondering, can you and Anakin squeeze me in over there? Just for a few nights? Jaina's burrito crazed again." whispered Zekk.


Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Apr 10, 2002 5:41 PM
"I'll have to talk to Anakin about it, but I don't see why not. Anything else I can do for you?" asked Jag.

"Yeah. yeah, you can. Jag, I want a divorce. I need a divorce. Anakin and Jacen never told me their sister was psychopathic. Please, help..." said Zekk desperately.

But Jag just laughed. "I'll talk to you later, ok, Zekk?"

"Right. See you soon. Zekk out." said Zekk.

<all done, sorry i know what a weird post, but i wanted to add something...>
Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 12:02 PM
>ouch! does this mean that we are going to shoot Jag with the blaster of cupid?<

*~*cadet 06*~*
Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 12:03 PM
>or is it Kyp?<

*~*cadet 06*~*

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 2:12 PM
<my post! I know exactly what to do with Jag!>

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 2:17 PM
Zekk didn't get Jaina any sort of food at all. He snuck into Anakin's apartment. Straight into Tahiri.
"Oh no. Not you, too! There's already an Imperial sleeping on the floor of the living room!" she exclaimed.
"Tahiri, Jaina's addicted to burritos again." Zekk whispered. "She'll kill me if I go back there!"
"We won't send you back there, then. We'l send an instaclone."
"She'll eat the jello."
"How about Kyp, then? He's got green eyes and black hair--"
"no. no,no,no,no,no,no,no--"
"We'll send Anakin. Or Jacen. They can calm her down."
"All I want to do is find Kyp and KILL him!"
"Okay. But don't kill him out of anger. Anger is of the dark side."
"You sound like Yoda."
"Yoda I am. Speak like this, I do. Be in stupid punk costume, I will not." Yoda said, unzipping the Tahiri costume he had on. Zekk blakly realized he was on stilts. "Kill you all, I will. Affected was my mind."

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 2:29 PM
"Yoda, you're a Jedi Master of the light--"
"My eyes light hurts. Much better, dark is. Join me will you. And your little dog, too!"
"Yo querro taco bell." the dog said, jumping up to bite Yoda. Zekk screamed in horror as a crowd of Gands walked into the room--

only to be woken up by a very cranky Jaina.
"Will you shut up? you're worse then Kyp sometimes." she said, going back to sleep. Zekk looked at the wall of the apartment for a few minutes, then he passed out.
"I'm worried about Zekk. He was acting strange this morning. He seemed to think I wanted some burritos." Jaina said.
"He asked me how I was doing--then started callimg me Yoda." Tahiri said.
"And he tried to kill me!" Kyp shouted. They all ignored him.
"What are we going to do about Jag?" Anakin asked.
"Do we need any more band members?"
"I know! He can be our bodyguard!"
"We're Jedi. We can use the force."
"Next time you're kidnapped, I'll hold you to that."

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 2:32 PM
"Jag can stay sober and keep us all from unknowingly walking into a trap!"
"Did you just use the 's' word, Jacen?"
"Did I?" Jaina began to cry.
"All I want is a beer. GET ME A BEER! Don't they make nonalcoholic beer?" she yelled. Anakin, sitting across from her, looked slightly dazed.
"Merry Jedimas." he said, tossing her a beer.
"What's this?"
"A beer. Don't drink it."
"NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jaina cried.

~_~_~_Sf lead_~_~_~

Total Posts: 626
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 2:32 PM
Congrats on reaching 1900 posts!!

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 2:58 PM
hey! we should all go party!!
~_~_Sf Lead_~_~

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 3:14 PM
>I'm really confused.<

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 3:34 PM
<me too, Commander. Me too. ;D >

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 3:37 PM
>That's bad when you're confused by your own story. That's REALLY bad cuz I'm feeling evil and I want to write!!!!<

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 4:28 PM
>I'll try to post. I doubt it'll go along very well, but... I'll try.<

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 4:54 PM
*** (In the Underlevels of Coruscant...)

Flames roared. Surronding it, a mob jumped and shouted. It was no different from any other mob, beside the fact that there wasn't a scrap of clothing in the lot.

"REVOLT! REVOLT!" Gus was shouting.

Next to him, a nude Luke yelled to the group, "Storm the Palace! Attack the clothed! Strip the officials of their..." he was drowned out by battle cries from the newly formed nudist-mob.


Zekk looked at the chrono. "OH SITH! The ceremony!" He jumped out of bed, rushing to find Jaina. "Jaina! We're gonna be late!!!"

On the dining room table, he found a peice of flimsi that read in Jaina's handwriting, "Dear Zekk, I'm on my way to the ceremony. Don't be late! Love, Jaina."

Zekk rolled his eyes. "Well, Sith, you could've at least woken me up!" he said to no one in particular.

ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 5:22 PM
< Sith! there is something definatly wrong with us...first, attack of the cones, and now attack of the Clothed? Man, I need a Blended Ewok... >

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 5:42 PM

Three altars were set up in the front of the room. Jacen and Jaina thought it best to do an Alderaanian-style wedding to please Leia. And they were afraid of what actually took place in a Corellian one.

Jaina and Zekk knelt on either side of the far left alter, hands clasped. Jacen and Tenel Ka on the center one, Anja and Lowie on the far right.

Lowie, fur combed and actually slicked down, turned to face out at the crowd briefly. He choked back laughter at the sight of his uncle sobbing in the first row. Quickly, he turned back to face Anja.

All seemed to be going perfectly. It couldn't have been better.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 5:44 PM
With a crash and a battle cry, the nudist-mob from the underlevels fought their way in and begin chasing the guests.

Anja screamed at the sight of Luke and Gus and hid her face in terror.

Jaina sighed and banged her head on the alter-- numerous times-- moaning, "Not again. Not happening. Not again. Not happening." Then she put a hand to her belly. "I promise, they will be dead before you're born."

Tenel Ka jumped from the knealing position, grapped her lightsaber from under the alter and lunged at Luke. "I should kill you right now!" she cried.

Lowie howled and threw himself upon Gus, daring to rip him to shreads.

Jaina looked back up and flames encircled her eyes. "They ruined my wedding," she growled.

"Honey, honey, think of the children," Zekk pleaded, watching his wife rise with murder written in her eyes.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 5:44 PM
"I am. I'm going to make the Galaxy a better place for them."

"Why do I even bother?"

In a burst of Force energy, Jacen brought the nudist-mob into the air. "ENOUGH!!!" he yelled, adding a little Force <yes, capital F> to his words.

The mob silenced at once. "Uncle Luke, Gus! You two have caused more trouble than you're worth! What is going on?!" he demanded.

Jaina, still bent on killing her uncle and Gus, stood on her tip toes trying to get her lightsaber through Luke's spinal cord. Lucky for Luke, Jacen had him out of her reach.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 5:45 PM
Finally, she stopped trying and turnd to her twin. "Aw, Jace, c'mon! Let him down a little!"

Jacen ignored the request.

Luke conveyed innocence into his voice as he spoke. "Jacen, I'm sorry. We were trying to show everyone that clothing just isn't the answer."

"The answer to WHAT?"

Finally, Jaina figured out that she could get more elevation by standing on a chair, and was about to slice her uncle in two.

Jacen noticed, and jerked her away with the Force.

Jaina retaliated by Force-choking him. The sudden loss of air made Jacen lose his concentration and the nudist-mob crashed to the ground, a flailing of bare skin.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 5:45 PM
"You let me go, idiot brother, or I'll crush your throat."

Tenel Ka glared at her sister-in-law floating in the air. "Jaina, you let him go, or I'LL crush YOUR throat!" She got a Force grip on Jaina to emphasize her point.

At last, Jaina let go of Jacen, and Tenel Ka in turn let go of Jaina, and Jacen in turn let go of Jaina, who in turn began falling four meters to the ground. Zekk, already under her, caught her, and set her on the ground.

"My hero," she whispered, and went to kiss him, but was interrupted with Gus running between the two.

"Ew! Gross!" Jaina shreeked.

"Dude, like, get some clothes!" Zekk yelled.

Gus turned to him in outrage. "Clothes are evil! You will join the Reformation," he said, swinging a pocket-chrono in front of Zekk's face.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 5:46 PM
Zekk snatched the chrono out of his hand, and looked Gus directly in the eye and spoke clearly, pronouncing each word slowly. "Go get dressed."

Gus shook his head in a firm, yet incrediby child-like 'no,' and began jumping around and singing, taunting the couple.

Jaina shuddered and buried her head in Zekk's chest. "Just tell me when it's over."

Zekk thought he could feel her cry.

Anakin found Kyp hiding under his chair. "Kyp, so the mystical disembodied voice thing again."

Kyp nodded and projected, "If you build it, they will come," throughout the mob.

As usual, he was ignored.

"See? It doesn't work for me anymore."

"Well, then teach me to do it."

"Okay, but it's a secret, and it must remain a secret, or you'll lose your power too." Kyp bent in and whispered briefly to Anakin. "Now, you try it."


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 5:47 PM
"If you build it, they will come," Anakin projected.

The nudist-mob stopped and stared at the ceiling. "Who said that?" Luke called.

"And what does it mean?" Gus wondered aloud.

After a moment of thought, Luke called to his mob, "Nudists! We must retreat to ponder this new mystery!" and he led the group back out the door.


Back in their Punk clothes, the Punks (the three eldest couples of which now acknowledged as married) headed for a bar. They stuck to the upper levels, hoping to avoid the new nudist-mob.

"Oh, I hate that I can't drink," Jaina said, pounding her fist on the bar.

"Here, try this," the bartender said, setting a blue aluminum can down in front of her.

"What is it?" she asked eyeing the strange can suspiciously.

"New in from Earth," he said.

"Earth? Where the Sith is Earth?"

"It's some backwater planet. You should try that drink though. Non-alcoholic. Really popular on Earth."

"What's it called?"


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 5:48 PM

Jaina picked up the can and was bringing it to her lips, when she dropped it and screamed. The brownish liquid poured onto the floor and the can rolled under Jacen's barstool. Curious, he picked it up and examined it.

Turning it over in his hands, he found what had scared his sister and laughed.

"What? What's wrong?" Zekk asked.

Still laughing, Jacen turned the can towrad Zekk, who upon seeing his wife's portrait on the can, also screamed.

Tenel Ka leaned over the bar to see what had caused the thud she heard on the other side. It was the barkeeper, rolling on the floor in throes of laughter.

>Done! Have fun with that!<
~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~

Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2002 8:45 PM
>Ok, will post about R2 or 3PO soon, feel free to post about the others.

May the Force be with you (Twice. In bed)
-=[Cadet 005]=-<

Total Posts: 180
Date Posted: Apr 12, 2002 9:38 AM
After they had all stopped laughing, Zekk picked up the can and examined it closer.

"Hmmm...," he said, "New Jedi Order: Dark Journey out now. What the heck does that mean!"

"I dunno," said Anakin.

"What's this got to do with Jaina. She's not going on any dark journey," said Jacen.

"Fact," added Tenel Ka.

"Well I don't get it," said Zekk, taking a drink, "sure is nice though."

Zekk drank the whole can, and then the Punks left the cantina. As the walked out into the plaza, they noticed that there was a big fire surrounded by loads of nudists, all thowing their clothes onto it. Luke was standing on a podium near the fire, chanting some kind of anti-clothes propoganda.

"He's using the force to make them believe him!" said Tahiri, distressed.


Total Posts: 180
Date Posted: Apr 12, 2002 9:46 AM
"That is IT!" screamed Jaina. She stormed over to a nearby weapons store and stole 6 blaster rifles, then, giving one to all six mebers of the three couples, opened fire on the crowd with stun beams. Quickly catching on, the others joined her, and soon the square was full of paralyzed nudists.

"Take THAT!" Yelled Jaina.

"but...but why," muttered a distraught Luke, still up on his podium.

"Because you're an idiot," said Zekk, "Now get dressed."

"NEVER! Clothes are the spawn of the Sith!" shouted Luke.

"I have had it with you and your Sith-Forsaken nudity Uncle Luke!" said Jaina, who then walked up to him and stunned in the temple.

"Well, if he isn't dead, we should be able to use this time to unscramble his brain and make him normal again," said Anakin.

"Why bother," muttered Jaina.

"I'm sure, friend Jaina, that you do not want him starting another nude uprising," said Tenel Ka.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," sighed Jaina.

<i'm done>
Cadet 03

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Apr 12, 2002 4:00 PM
>I guess I shall *gulp* post now.<

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Apr 12, 2002 4:04 PM
>Neg that. gotta go<
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Apr 12, 2002 4:13 PM
Allright, I'm gonna try to post...
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Apr 12, 2002 4:28 PM
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Kyp said.

"Nope." Valin replied. The punks gathered up the stunned Luke and Gus, and went back to their apartments, leaving Kyp standing open-mouthed.

"Fine then! Be that way! I'm not here!" he shouted, and stormed in the opposite direction.


Jaina leaned over Luke. "Wake up, stupid." Luke moaned, and sat up.

He screamed. "What have you done to me?!?!?" Tahiri chuckled, and passed Luke a mirror. He passed out again.

"Maybe the purple beard was too much for him," Anja suggested.

"Nah, it was definately the pierced nose ring we gave him," Jacen argued.

"I think it was the clothes we put on him," Anakin said, looking at the small mini-skirt and tube top they had dressed Luke in.

"No, I think it was the fact that he was actually dressed,"

Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Apr 12, 2002 4:30 PM
The punks all agreed. They heard another blood-curdling scream coming from the other room. "That would be Gus waking up," Tahiri said.

"This is a fact," Tenel Ka agreed.

~*:)*~ SFP One ~*:)*~
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Apr 13, 2002 6:07 AM
Postin' mesa be!

Whoa, a cross between Yoda and Jar Jar Binks....::shudders::

.:.:.: First Officer :.:.:.
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Apr 13, 2002 6:21 AM
The Punks turned at the sound of whimpering coming from the doorway. They turned to look, already imagining the scene infront of them. Gus stood there, looking very bizzare. He was clothed in leopard spotted Lederhosen and his chest was dyed blue, courtesy of some toilet water tablets. The hairs of his legs had been tied into knots, and adorned with bows. Gus' face was painted like that of a mime's, except he had a bullring through his nose. The blood streaming from Gus' nose ran down onto his blue chest, turning it a rather nice shade of purple.
The Punks took one look at Gus and roared with laughter.

Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Apr 13, 2002 6:30 AM
Zekk quickly whipped out his camera and snapped a picture of Gus.
"This one's for the family album!" he cried, tears of laughter streaming down his face as well as everyone else's.
Jaina then went and took a picture of Luke, saying,
"I'll bet Mara would love to see this one!"
Luke shuddered at the thought. With an anguished and rather girly scream, he sprang from his prone position. Panicking, Luke ran from the room.

Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Apr 13, 2002 6:50 AM
Luke ran throughout Zekk and Jaina's appartment, screaming and shedding clothes everywhere.
"Catch him!" cried Jaina, still intent on revenge for the chaos Luke caused at her wedding. However, it was difficult to grab a naked Jedi Master,as it was a horrifying sight. Escaping, Luke crashed through the doors of the appartment, towards the turbolifts.
"Open, you Sithspawned sluggish system!!" screamed Luke, jabbing repeatedly at the turbolift button marked "Down.n 1.Toward, into , or in a lower physical position. 2. On or to the ground or bottom. 3. To or in a position geographically lower, as to the south." Luke didn't dare look at the button marked" Up".

Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Apr 13, 2002 6:52 AM
No, not TBC. I really am done. Sorry, too much Episode II cereal and not enough Blended Ewok !!

.:.:.: First Officer :.:.:.

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Apr 13, 2002 1:03 PM
<nothing ever said anywhere that you had to understand what I wrote. I'll post now...>

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Apr 13, 2002 1:12 PM
The punks almost had caught Luke when a very angry red-haired woman ran in front of them, brandishing a blaster.

"YOU-GO-GET-SOME-CLOTHES-ON-NOW-BEFORE-I-STUN-YOU!!" Mara yelled in Luke's face, causing him to wimper. Jaina stopped

"You know, I think that leaving him with Mara would be more satisfying then punishing him ourselves."she said thoughtfully. Jacen shuddered.

"There's a reason I didn't marry an asassin(sp?)" he said. "and that's it."

Later that day while the punks were drinking--all except Jaina--the nude mob stormed them again. Jaina, already mad for not being able to drink, screamed a war cry and used the force to hurl them all into the ceiling. Then she dropped them, littering the floor with nudeists. She sat back down with the punks, breathing heavily.

~_~_~_Sf Lead_~_~_~

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Apr 13, 2002 2:06 PM
Okay so I said I was on leave but I have some free time so I shall make a posty-wosty!

-=-=-= Stead Four =-=-=-

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Apr 13, 2002 2:39 PM

That was a really huge post! and it all just diappeared ARGH!

I'll try and do it again sometime :(
-=-=-= Stead Four =-=-=-
-=-=-= On Leave =-=-=-
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Apr 14, 2002 5:43 AM
Back to page !.
Hey, we've now got 1935 posts on here! that year, Mutiny on the Bounty won best picture at the Academy awards.

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Apr 14, 2002 3:23 PM
Okay I will post!

-=-=-= Stead Four =-=-=-

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Apr 14, 2002 4:07 PM

As Zekk and Jaina walked down the wide main street of the Imperial City Shopping District, Zekk noticed something.
Jaina had a new craving... He could see it in her eyes. The illuminated across the plaza was reflected in them.

"No Jaina!" he said

"But I neeeeeed it!" Jaina insisted

"But Jaina, you are allergic to it!"

"I don't care"

"Jaina stop!" shouted Zekk.

But it was too late, Jaina was already racing towards the ice-cream parlour.


Anakin paid for his ice-cream and turned around. He was thinking that he should go and see how Jaina was.
She had probably dragged Zekk or Jacen along on another one of her shopping trips.
There she was - flying towards her. She must have tripped over a stone or something.... Or more likely one of the numerous piles of clothes that were lying everywhere.

I'd better move out of the way he thought.
The he realised. Jaina had already hit him.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Apr 14, 2002 4:09 PM
"Are you alright?" Zekk asked

"No, I think every bone in my body is broken..." Anakin said

"Shut up, I wasn't tslking to you"

"Oh thanks... it's nothing that a week in a bacta tank won't fix..."

"Yeah I'm fine" Jaina said. She had already finished eating the entire stock of ice-cream.

"Anyway, look who I have found!" Anakin said, having somehow managed to stand up.

He pointed to the rather annoyed ice-cream droid.

"Threepio?" said Zekk

"Yes. I only just started this job. And you have just eaten my entire stock!"

"I don't feel so good." said Jaina.

"I'm not surprised" Threepio said. "Firstly you have eaten all my ice-cream, and secondly you are allergic to it."

"We'd better get her to the med centre." said Zekk

"Don't forget me." said Anakin.


They eventually arrived at the med centre.
When they were in the reception area they saw Han coming out of the surgery covered in bacta patches.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Apr 14, 2002 4:10 PM
He looked over at Zekk, Anakin, Jaina, and Threepio.

"What's happened?" he asked frantically. He saw that Anakin was limping badly and had his arm in a sling. Jaina on the other hand was on a stretcher.

Zekk explained. "It's a long story, but to cut it short Jaina tripped over and landed on Anakin and nearly crushed him, and then proceeded to eat an entire ice-cream parlour out of business."

"And where have you been?" he asked Threepio.

"Well I was the ice-cream droid. But I've been sacked thanks to Jaina, so I guess I shall come home now."

"Good" said Han.

"So what happened to you, dad?" asked Anakin

"I was mugged. By your uncle." Han told them "He was tring to rip up my clothes and burn them. Unfortunalty however he forgot I was still wearing them."

"Well where is he now?"

"I think Mara is 'taking care' of him."

"Oh" Anakin said.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Apr 14, 2002 4:10 PM
The medical droid that had been examining Jaina said "It doesn't look like anything serious, but we will have to keep her in overnight for observation."

"That's probably best," Han said, "last time she had ice-cream she was halucinating and nearly killed Anakin."

"Well she's already done that today..." Anakin mumbled

"And as for you sir," the droid said, speaking to Anakin, "I think a few bacta patches will sort you out."


Jaina was dreaming.
She was back in the Clone Wars, fighting alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi and her grandfather, Anakin Skywalker.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Apr 14, 2002 4:11 PM
She watched as the Clone troopers grew closer, then she realised they were not the ordinary clone troopers she had seen in the holovids - they were more... well, ice-cream shaped. They were Cone troopers!"

She woke up. And looked around, everywhere she looked there were cone troopers!
Oh Sith, it's Attack of the Cones... she thought.

The nearest cone trooper spoke: "Jaina come back" it said as she ran off.

The medical droid watched her run away. Her father hadn't been kidding when he said about halucinations...


Back home Han got an urgent message: Jaina was missing - she had run away from the med centre halucinating about ice-cream cones...

He woke Anakin and Zekk.

"Come on you two, we have to go find Jaina." He said

"What?" said Zekk

"She's run off," Han explained, "she could be anywhere."


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Apr 14, 2002 4:11 PM
"The amount of ice-cream she ate she could be halucinating for weeks!" Anakin moaned.

"We havn't got time to discuss this in a commitee" yelled Han, "we have to find her now!"

-=-=-= Stead Four =-=-=-
Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Apr 14, 2002 5:25 PM
> I luv it!<

*~*cadet 04*~* (I think)
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Apr 15, 2002 5:45 AM


I'd post now, but I gotta get to school in a few minutes.

Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Apr 15, 2002 10:54 AM
<I post now!>

Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Apr 15, 2002 12:24 PM
Just then Super Jedi and Jedi Man, who were fully clothed, landed i front of Anakin, Zekk, and Han.

"Have you guys seen a nude Luke and a nude Gus around here?" asked Super Jedi.

"What are you two talking about? You are Luke and Gus." said Jacen.

"WHAT!?!" yelled Han.

"Jacen you idoit! Only the punks know who we are." said Jedi Man.

Then Jedi Man and Super Jedi turned back into, fully clothed, Gus and Luke.

"What's going on?" asked Anakin.

"The short version is I want to fix the insta-clones so there Jello brains didn't have that memory virus. So I made the clone-o-matic 2.0. It fixed the problem with the brains, but made a new problem." said Luke.


Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Apr 15, 2002 12:25 PM

"Wait. Let me guess. The insta-clones are nudists." said Anakin.

"BINGO!" said Gus.

"What's a bingo?" asked Han.

"Nevermind that now. We have to find Jaina. You two have to find those insta-clones. We last saw them with Mara."

"By the Force, Lets go before Mara gets mad. The last thing we need to have happen is Mara kill the other uses then go insane because she thinks she killed me." said Luke. Then Luke and Gus tansformed into Super Jedi and Jedi Man and flew off.

!?! Steadfast P-8 !?!

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Apr 15, 2002 2:37 PM
>I'm afraid to post...<

Total Posts: 1024
Date Posted: Apr 15, 2002 4:01 PM
<I agree...>

|]Stead Five[|
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Apr 15, 2002 4:26 PM
>My head hurts...<

.:.:.: First Officer :.:.:.

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Apr 15, 2002 4:57 PM
>lol. you can tell that i am back<

-=-=-= Stead Four =-=-=-

Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Apr 15, 2002 6:07 PM
>Isn't it rather self evident?<

May the Force be with you (Twice. In bed)
-=[Cadet 005]=-
Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 8:38 AM
>mesa goin to post now<

*~*cadet 04*~* (I think)
Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 8:52 AM
Jaina ran through the Street after the Cone troopers. 'Man these guys are fast!' she thought breathing hevely (sp?).

All of a sudden she came into a clearing where a group of nudists encluding Luke Gus and now MARA stood. She looked around dazed and then saw Gus standing there "Hey there hottie, you doing anything tonight?" She looked around "Oh am I interrupting something?" She asked

"Can I join the party? Or do I get voted in?" She asked looking at all the nudists.

"In order for you to join us you must vow never to wear clothes again." Gus said solomly

"Oh okay is that all?" She reached behind her back and untied the hospital gown. Letting it drop she walked over into the circle and joined Gus, Reaching up she grabber his arm and pulled herself up.
Luke stared at her wondering what she was doing when all of a sudden...

Jaina took Gus's Head in her hands and kissed him passionetly on the lips...
Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 8:53 AM
>:D :D :D :D :D :D :D Have fun all, I will write in tonight (hopefully)<

*~*cadet 04*~* (I think)
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 12:43 PM
<so very afraid to post....Poor Mara :shudder: >
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 1:41 PM
Poor Jaina!! What if it rains?

.:.:.: First Officer :.:.:.

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 2:03 PM
>Am I the only one wondering about Zekk??? I'm REALLY too afraid to post...<

Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 2:05 PM
<i post>

Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 2:53 PM
Super Jedi and Jedi Man where flying through the air. When Jedi Man though of something. "I just though of something, Super Jedi." said Jedi Man

"What?" asked Super Jedi.

"The others said that Mara took the nude Luke and nude Gus." said Jedi Man.

"Ya so?" said Super Jedi.

"Mara is back on Yavin 4, pregnant, and be keep from killing everyone (mood swings) by Lara." said Jedi Man.

Super Jedi stoped in mid air. "You have a point." said Super Jedi. "Wait didn't we make a insta-clone of her to?"


Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 2:54 PM

"BOB!" said Jedi Man.

"Yes." said Bob.

"Just how many insta-clones did we make? I can't remember." said Jedi Man.

"Just 3. You, Luke, and Mara. Everyone else is under there control." said Bob.

"I'm getting bourd. I miss Mara. Let's go back to Yavin 4." said Super Jedi.

"I miss Lara to, but what about the insta-clones?" asked Jedi Man.

"Anakin will take care of it." said Super Jedi. "Or should I say Mega Jedi.

"Good point. Yets go." said Jedi Man and they flew off.


Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 3:25 PM

The punk sat around the bar. All but Jaina who now was wearing clothing and tied up in the coner.

"Tell us again how you beat the army of nudist?" asked Tenel Ka.

"It was all Anakin's doing." said Jacen.

"It was nothing really. I just realised that the nude mob was under the cotrol of the 3 insta-clones. And that like all insta-clones all you need to do is confuse them and there head explode and there brains turn to Jello. So I took out this chock board and started wrighting all sorts of physics equations." said Anakin.

"gggrrrarr" [Good Thinking.] said Lowie.

"A little too good thinking." said Valin. "Anakin have you been drinking lately?"

"Of course." said Anakin "Well not any beers lately, but I have had more then enough Ewoks to make up for it."

"Anakin, I hate to tell you this but the ewoks are non-alcoholic." said Bob.

"No. That can't be right. If that were true that would mean that I am....." said Anakin.

"SOBER!!!" yelled the other Punks.


Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 3:43 PM

"If I'm sober, it's not that bad." said Anakin. "I'm thinking clearly. I feel great. Join me. We can be sober together."

The punks were backing away with looks of terror on there faces. All but Tahiri. She walked over to Anakin. "I'll join you." said Tahiri.

"Tahiri. NO!" said Jysella.

"I love Anakin. Beer or no beer." said Tahiri.

"We have to get out of here!" yelled John.

"What about Jaina. We can't leave her." said Zekk.

"We have to she will be one of them as soon as she has her babies." said Jacen.

The drunk punks ran for it. Leaveing there sober friends behind.

!?! Steadfast P-8 !?!

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 4:35 PM
<oh, me post!!>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 4:51 PM
"I never thought I'd see the day when Anakin went Sith on us..." murmured Jacen, shaking his head regretfully.

"Same here. My friends, now we have seen the power of the dark side. Do not give into it. Ever." said Tenel Ka.

"Beware the darkside. Anger...fear...aggression...nudity...sobriety..." Valin said, shuddering at the thought.

"And it just gets worse from here, my friends." said Tenel Ka.

Jacen frowned. "How so?"

Tenel Ka turned to him, mildly surprised. "Friend Jacen, I am surprised that you have not realized this. Your parents ahve long awaited this day when we would turn to sobriety. Now, that the changing has begun, they will push even harder at the rest of us to join Anakin and Tahiri."

Jacen gasped. "Lords of the Sith, you're right! What are we going to do?"


Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 4:58 PM
"We could go into seclusion," offered Valin.

"But we'd eventually run out of beer, and then they'd find us!" said Jysella.

"True." amended Valin. "I take it back."

"Guys, we need to go talk to Chief of State Grandpa Vader. He'll know what to do. He isn't chief of state for nothing." said Jacen.

"Fact," said Tenel Ka.

"[Let's go!]" roared Lowie.
"I'm scared! I've never seen Anakin or Tahiri act like this before!" cried Jysella.

"Me too, Grandpa. I don't know waht's gotten into them..." said Jacen mournfully.

Chief of State Vader sat there thoughtfully, thinking. "Well, I think I've narrowed it down to two possibilities: either it is the darkside of the Force, or," he gulped, "They've grown up."
The Punks screamed, and Jacen fainted.


Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 4:58 PM
"No..." mumbled Zekk, "It can't be...they can't have grown up!"

Lowie howled in anguish.

"Who wil be next?" whispered Anja.

"We've got to get away from here! Somewhere safe, with a never ending supply of beer!" said Valin.

"But what about Tahiri and Ani?" asked Jysella, trying rather unsucessfully to revive Jacen.

"They're too far gone for us to help..." he said.

"Well, where are we off to next?" said Anja.

<all done! hehe! >

Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 5:08 PM
>me post<

May the Force be with you (Twice. In bed)
-=[Cadet 005]=-

Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 5:32 PM
"Lets go visit Artoo and Guri. But first, let's go hit a brewery," said Anja.

"Raoghrwaarrr! [good idea!]" said Lowie.

"Okay, my grandudes and grandfriends," said Chief Vader.

"I know of a place run by Gands, you can arrange for beer supplies to be sent to you."

"But mom and dad will find us through the supplier!" Jysella whined.

"I am not going without beer, so we have to get some."

Kyp, who had followed them, said. "I-"

"SHUT UP!!!" said all the remaining, depleted punks.

Chief Vader used the Force to evict Kyp from his office.

"Never did like the way Kun trained his apprentices, you have to teach them country before you show them Force Lightning... What is it?"

The punks were staring at him.

"Kyp knows COUNTRY??" yelled John.

"We have to kill him. He's not safe. He's a public safety hazard!"


Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 5:33 PM

"This is a fact. I have heard him singing in the 'fresher." Tenel Ka answered.

"What? You heard me singing in the 'fresher? I told you not to mention that, love. I thought-" This was Jacen, whom Vader had just revived.

"I'M SOBER!" he yelled, racing towards the bar downstairs.

"No!! Anything but sober!"

"Well, after we get drunk enough to plot a course, we'll go visit Artoo and Guri. I once knew Guri, she was my rival's personal droid... I killed Xizor (sp?), of course, but..."

"Gaargaurrarooar? [You want to come?]"

"Of course. You're down a keyboardist, and I play keyboard, so I can fill in until we draw them away from the Sober Side."

"Alright then, Chief- I mean Punk Vader. We have to give you a bit of a makeover, though. I mean, black is in, but it's not very, you know, Punkish..." said Killy, holding Valin's hand.

"I also play triangle..."

They followed Jacen to the Bar, talking about the new hair and helmet does...

> done<

Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 9:24 PM
<i post>

Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 9:52 PM
Anakin handed both Tahiri and, the now sane, Jaina the hot chocolate.

"You know be for I became sober I never understood what Luke saw in this stuff. The truth is it's good." said Anakin.

"Really good." said Tahiri. "Hey, Jaina I was wondering: How far are you along? With the baby I mean."

"7 months." said Jaina. "Can you explain this again?"

"What the part about the Jello brains from the new insta-clones being a perfact cure for your ice cream madness or the fact that me and Tahiri have been sober for weeks now and we have been faking being drunk?" asked Anakin.

"The part about you to being sober for weeks." said Jaina.

"Me and Anakin have always had a taste for weird drinks." said Tahiri. "When the blended ewoks came around we got into them."

"We drank more and more ewoks and less and beer. We started to get smarter, strong, and more skilled. After a time we realised that we had sobered up." said Anakin.


Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2002 10:10 PM

"We liked it." said Tahiri. "Most shocking of all we realised that we had grown up."

"But we new the other punks would never understand so we hid it for them." said Anakin. "Everything was going good untill bob spilled the beans."

"I can only say I'm sorry so many times." said Bob.

"Anyway the only way to get the punks back together is to force each of the others one by one to grow up and become sober." said Anakin.

"The question is are you two in?" asked Tahiri.

"If you guys are sober maybe you can take care of each other long enough for me to go on vacation. I'm in." said Bob.

"Why not. I'm sober anyway." said Jaina. "I'll join you on one condition. We turn Zekk 1st. I miss him and his kids need a father."

"Deal!" said Anakin.


"I just got the worst feeling." said Zekk

!?! Steadfast P-7 !?!

Total Posts: 279
Date Posted: Apr 17, 2002 7:08 AM
<aww rats i can't think of anything> :(
Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Apr 17, 2002 3:59 PM
>great plot good twisted idea and I can't think of a good idea to do my job! (mess up the story that is)

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Apr 17, 2002 4:29 PM
<my turn!! i post, i post!!>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Apr 17, 2002 4:49 PM
"We've got to get away from here, and quickly! Do you think Artoo and Guri will mind visitors?" said Jacen.

"Well, I hope not." said Anja.

"How much beer did we want to get, Jace?" asked Zekk.

"Clean out the place, guys. If we're going to visit Artoo, we know there won't be any liquor cuz they don't drink, so we need to stock up. And get a back up for our supply, and a back up for our back up, and another backup, just in case-"

"Friend Jacen, we understand! That is enough!" exclaimed Tenel Ka, cutting him off. Jacen blushed, and turned back to the frightened brewery master, who was shaking off in the corner, watching the Punks walk off with all his beer.

"Guys, this isn't right. My dad's an ex-CorSec officer- he'd kill me if he found out that we're robbing a brewery!" said Jysella.


Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Apr 17, 2002 4:52 PM
Zekk turned to answer her, an eyebrow raised. "Jysie, if your dad was going to kill you, I think he would have done it by now. I mean, you're in a Punk band, and you're an underage minor alcoholic, and your hair is outrageously colored, and the clothes you're wearing is little more than shreds. So, I think you're safe. You're dad must have realized that eventually we'd be getting into organized crime."

Jysella considered that. "True. Are we finished yet, Jacen?"

"Just about. I want another few six-packs of that purple stuff, and then we can go visit Artoo." he responded after glancing at a datapad.

"[Zekk, I bet you three 24 packs that Han will personally come after you for abandoning Jaina for liquor and parties.]" rumbled Lowie.

"Hey, I didn't abandon her! Well, not yet, at least. Well, that's all the more reason to get out of here!" Zekk said.

"Zekk's right. Let's go!" said John, running into their ship, and the rest of Punks followed.
<all done!>
Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Apr 18, 2002 10:58 AM
>not enough alcohol can't think...<]

*~*cadet 04*~*
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