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Ongoing Comedy: Jedi Punks - 3225 replies on 36 pages. 3 replies posted today.

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ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Mar 22, 2002 1:57 PM
I had it all typed out too....It was with Jaina in the hold...
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Mar 22, 2002 2:00 PM
Never mind! I'll wait.

~*:)*~ SFP One ~*:)*~
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Mar 22, 2002 2:01 PM
*if this doesn't fit than ignore it...*

To Tenel Ka, it seemed as if there was something strange about the way that Jaina was behaving around them all. She had never acted like she had in the past hour or so. She kept, repeatedly bringing up the topic of what to do with thier new prisoner, Guri (Jaina)whom was laying in the hold of thier ship. She told them to kill Guri, because Guri had tried to kill her.

That seemed just a little too close to the dark side.

Tenel Ka, walked in to the aft hold, and took a seat. Almost as soon as she did, the metalic body infront of her started to stir. It's eyes looked straght at her almost imediatly...
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Mar 22, 2002 2:02 PM
* * * * * * *
Jaina woke up, and opened her eyes, praying that it was all a nightmare. Then it hit her, full blast.

It wasn't a nightmare. Guri had switched bodies with her. With her! That sithspawned thing switched body's with HER! And, she kissed My boyfriend!

Just the thought made Jaina angry enough to cry. Then she realized that she wasn't alone in the room. There in front of her was Tenel Ka. Jaina tried to sit up, which was not an easy task for someone whom was wearing binders. She looked Tenel Ka straight in the eyes, no anger showing through her metalic eyes.

"Hello Tenel Ka." she said sadly.

Tenel Ka glared daggers at her. "Guri"
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Mar 22, 2002 2:05 PM
k, now I'll post
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Mar 22, 2002 2:21 PM
"Tenel Ka, you have to believe me. It's me Jaina. Guri transferred me to her body, and she took over mine. Please, you hafta help me!" Jaina cried desperately.

Tenel Ka's glare hardened even more, if that was even possible. "Nice try, Guri. Although Jaina is acting a little weird lately, there is no way she could have switched bodies with a robot. Now, you just sit quiet over there, and I'm gonna give you a nice little memory wipe. It wont hurt a bit," she said.

If Jaina's eyes could have widened, they wouldv'e. She lifted her head in horror. "Tenel Ka! You have to believe me on this! I'm JAINA! IT'S ME!" Jaina screamed in paranoia.

Tenel Ka closed in on Jaina...

Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Mar 22, 2002 2:38 PM
Jacen sat next to Jaina. "I'm glad your back, sis. Now how bout some beer?"

"No!" Graina said, too quickly.

Jacen frowned. This wasn't like Jaina to turn down beer. "Well, ok, so what do you want?"

"Lets go practice lightsabers," Graina suggested. Using the Force should be easy, she thought. This is going to be great! I have a real body, friends, a family, and the Force!

Jacen agreed, and they went to an empty room. Graina raised her lightsaber, and Jacen lashed out with his, but frowned. "You have to open up to the Force, Jaina," he said.

Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Mar 22, 2002 2:54 PM
Graina's face paled. "I-I am," she stuttered.

"No, you're not," Jacen commented, worried at what Jaina was saying. "Are you sure you're okay? Maybe you should lie down."

"No! I'm fine. Really!" Graina shouted.

Jacen looked skeptical. There was something definately not right here. "I'm gonna go check up on how Tenel Ka's doing with Guri," he said.


"NO! Please, believe me! I'm Jaina. I'll prove it! I have the Force," Jaina screamed. Tenel Ka stopped.

"What did you say? You're a robot. You cant have the force." Tenel Ka frowned suspiciously.

Jaina reached out in the Force, and touched Tenel Ka mentally.

Tenel Ka gasped. "Jaina? How is this possible?"

Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Mar 22, 2002 3:03 PM
"I dont know, but I hafta get back to my own body!" Jaina cried.

"Wait a minute, why do you have the Force? I remember the story of Callista Master Luke told us. She transferred bodies, but could only use the Dark Side. Maybe something similar happened to you," Tenel Ka suggested.

"You are right," a voice said from behind. The two looked around at Bob.

"Bob, is this really Jaina?" Tenel Ka asked.

"You know the answer," Bob said.

~*:)*~ SFP One ~*:)*~

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Mar 22, 2002 5:59 PM
*::curses:: stupid, useless computer...*

Okay, now I'll post.

::more grumbles::

~_~_SF Lead_~_~

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Mar 23, 2002 4:18 PM
I presume you aren't posting any more....

so I will :)

Now for my next trick - I will confuse everybody - AGAIN!

-=-=-= Stead Five =-=-=-

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Mar 23, 2002 4:26 PM
Just then Jaina walked in.
"Hi guys" she said, "What's up?"

Everyone just looked at eachother, then they looked at Jaina, then at the droid.

"We... err. you.. um.. help" said Jacen.

"Oh that." Jaina said, looking at the droid that was acting like her and insisting it was her. "It was an old project I was working on."

"What for?"

"So that I didn't have to go out on stage, but before it was finished I learned to control my stagefright, so I just deactivated the droid."

"Well what about her?" Anakin said, pointing to Graina.

Jaina stared at herself, well Graina anyway. "I have no idea..." she said.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Mar 23, 2002 4:43 PM
"And why does it look like Guri?" demanded Vader

Jaina sighed "Before we were famous, those were the only plans I could afford to buy, for some reason nobody wanted them."

Over in the corner Graina also sighed.
"I see my plan has failed" a male voice said.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Mar 23, 2002 4:45 PM
As the holoshroud deactivated everyone saw that what they thought had been Jaina, was in fact a yellow-skined, bald headed ancient old human, with a long pointy nose.
"You see, I am a man of business, and I needed a new body, you know eternal life and all that kind of stuff."

At this point the man clasped his hands together. "When I had the chance to transfer my brain into this discarded droid, I thought 'Excellent'. And I jumped at the chance to become immortal"

"So what I did was this --- LOOK OVER THERE" he shouted

Everyone looked

"Come on, Mr Burns - lets run!" a new voice said

"Faster Smithers!" The old man said.

By the time they turned round again, all they saw outside was a ship flying away from the planet.

<when i said confuse everyone i think i've done too good a job. Even i'm confused...>
<you'll probably have to ignore me unless ypu can fit it in because I have to go now...>

-=-=-= Stead Five =-=-=-
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Mar 23, 2002 6:04 PM
Zekk ran to the 'fresher and was heard gargling with mouthwash. A few minutes later, he returned.
"I can't believe I kissed that old geezer!" exclaimed Zekk with a look of disgust on his face. The others burst out laughing.
"Well this ought to make up for it!" said Jaina (the real one). She reached over and kissed Zekk.

Ok, all who want to keep beeurd's post say "Aye!" Those who want to ignore it, Just ignore this post too. Post away I say!

.:.:.: First Officer :.:.:.
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Mar 23, 2002 8:02 PM
< Aye! Very Confusing....If threepio tried to read it, the first words out of his very-talkative-driod mouth would be...."This doesn't Compute." Yes, I know stupid comment....I can't post right now...I'm too confused! >

Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Mar 23, 2002 11:32 PM
<E-wing looked down into the 3 mi wide hole Beeurd post had made.

"I'm good, but no ones that good." said E-wing as he put up a sign. "OK, boys pack it up. Were ignoring Beeurd post like he said."

"E-wing will be posting now!" was all the sign read.>

Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 12:04 AM
"It's her." said Tenel Ka.

Jaina face (or half of a face) lit up like a light saber. "Thank you so much for beliving me. What do we do now?"

"We tell the others and get you back into your body." said Tenel Ka.

The 2 ran off together to tell the other Punks, but Guri had over heared them and desided to make her escape. Later, after all the Punks and Vader knew what was going on they went after Guri. She had returned to Kessel, but when they land they found they were not the only ones looking for Jaina (or her body). Han, Leia, Luke, Gus, Killy, 3PO, R2, Mara, Lara, and Kyp were all there. After Jaina in Guri's body explained everything they all set off for Clone Xizor's bace.

!?! Steadfast P-8 !?!
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 6:28 AM
<mad beeurd will be....>

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 8:19 AM
I don't uderstand Beeurd's OR E-wing's last posts! Can't we just ignore them both??? I didn't understand a word!

Who the heck is Mr. Burns? And what is a smithers? (I know, stupid, culturly deprived American, aren't I?)

I'm thinking I'll post, but... E-wing, I really think that your last post doesn't fit well. We need another battle! And, well... Someone had already said to keep Beeurd's addition.... (this is one of those really tough decisions I I have to make).

I'm thinking... since Bad Furday and Rogue both outrank you... I should be able to pull rank and make the decision to keep beeurd's and ignore E-wing's...

VOTE! (besides E-wing and Beeurd) Which should we ignore?

We have to do one of them!


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 8:40 AM
>READERS! Check out the Convo thread for an important announcment!<

~~~~MAy the Force be with y'all~~~~

Total Posts: 342
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 9:50 AM

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 10:45 AM
>Yup. I vote *both* too<

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 12:08 PM
>Hey, y'all. Just a few questions:
*What the Force happened to Anja, Valin, and Jys?
*I can't rememeber: was the John thing resolved?
*Why is it they are suddenly getting off the chemicals?
*What happened to Anja/ Lowie's relationship?
*And has anyone seen MDN2?

Just curious, since that stuff has been kinda shoved off of a while. Here's an easy solution: Bob (or whatever that freak's name is) shows up with them. I dunno. We've got to get back to parodies and spice it up, y'all, 'cause the story is kinda starting to get a little weak.<

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 12:33 PM
<I'm still around. Somewhere. It's just I seem to find less and less time to post...>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 12:34 PM
<ok, i will post now. i will try not to make the story too much more confusing.>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 12:38 PM
<ok, considering i couldn't follow the previous posts, i'm assuming they haven't realized that Guri is in Jaina's body and Jaina in the droid, right? or did they figure it out? well, i'm gonna write that they didn't and then they'll figure it ok? ok!>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 12:49 PM
<don't be mad at me, i just well, couldn't follow how they changed jaina back..if they did...or whatever, but if you hate this, please ignore it!>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 12:58 PM
<ok, here goes nothing...>
"Guys, I want a beer!" moaned Tahiri. "No, wait, I *NEED* a beer!"

"Me, too!" chimed Jacen

"Me, three!" cried Anakin.

"Me, four!" exclaimed Zekk.

"Me, five!" said Anja.

"Me, six!" said Valin.

"Me, seven!" said Jysella.

"Me, eight!" shouted Vader.

"[Me, nine!]" added Lowie.

"Me, ten!" cried Tenel Ka. Then silence filled the cabin. Everyone turned to look at Grania. They still thought it was Jaina.

"What?!" said Grania.

"Don't you want a beer, too, Jaya?" asked Anakin, who was confused.

"No! I don't drink!" she exclaimed.

"What? When did this happen?" said Zekk.

"I don't like beer!" said Grania.

"But, but, but you *live* off the stuff!" sputtered Jacen.

"My friends, this is not Jaina. Would the Jaina we know ever refuse a beer?" demanded Tenel Ka.

"Nope. You're right." said Anakin.

"This is a fact." Tenel Ka replied.


Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 1:10 PM
"Alright, then, Jaina impersonator. Who are you and what have you done with Jaina?" asked Jacen.

"Like I would tell you!" Grania glared.

"Oh, you will tell me." Jacen drew his lightsaber, and the rest of the Punks ignited theirs. Grania gulped.
The Punks smiled, and she told them everything.

"See? That wasn't too bad." said

"I guess not..." replied Grania.

"So, how do we switch you back?" asked Zekk.

"Take me back to Kessel, and I'll do it. Under one condition."

"Anything!" the punks cried.

"You fix my body, and let me be in the band?" asked Grania.

"Um..ok, sure! The more the merrier!" exclaimed Jacen.

"Oh. Yea. I forgot. There's another clone out there." added Grania.

"Another clone?" gasped Anja. "Of who?"

"Xizor." replied Grania.

"Sithspit!" muttered Zekk.

"[Let's get him!]" Lowie cried.

"*After* we get Jaina back." Zekk said.

"[I guess it can wait...]"

"To Kessel!" said Anakin.

"And a bar!" cried Tahiri.

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 1:10 PM
<ok, sorry, i wanted to try to clear things up a bit. i hope i offended no one. does everyone hate me now? please don't... :D >

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 1:45 PM
<After an absence of about 3 weeks, I'm gonna post! Don't look so surprised!>

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 1:55 PM

4 hours later, the Punks stood outside the smoking remains of the clone Xisor's Palace. They were all extremely tired and relieved that the most difficult battle was over. They had just escaped with their lives. They all sat on the hard ground, exhausted and watched the Palace burn to the ground.

Anakin walked over to Tahiri and wrapped his arms around her. "You fought well in there." he said.

Tahiri smiled faintly. "Thanks." she said. "I was a bit worried when Xisor swallowed Valin and then split into three, but then it occured to me. The only way we could survive. We were lucky it worked."

Valin stood up. "I know. I would never have thought that the key to defeating Xisor was tomato soup. I owe you my life."

The Punks stayed and watched the rubble burn to the ground until the early hours of the morning.


Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 2:10 PM
The Punks all felt that they were overdue for a vacation. Their latest trial had left them very tired. They arrived back at their ship and were discussing where to go when suddenly Bob appeared, looking flustered.

"Guys!" he exclaimed. "You're all in terrible danger! When you discovered that half of you were insta-clones, how many of you ate the jelly/brains when the heads exploded?"

The Punks looked at each other cautiously. A couple of them raised their hands.

Bob gasped. "You must leave now, then!" he said. "You will infect everyone! Leave the ship now!"

Anakin stood. "Why?" he asked. "What's wrong?"

"There is a virus in the jelly! In a few seconds, it will activate, causing everyone in the vicinity to lose their memory!" cried Bob.

Jaina gasped. "How long have we got?"

Bob looked at his chronometer. "About 3 seconds... Oh no!"

Suddenly a white light exploded all around the Punks and Bob. When it died down, they were all laid on the floor, passed out.


Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 2:16 PM

Two hours later, someone stirred. He blinked awake and looked around. "Where am I?" he said.

His voice started waking everyone up. The all awoke to gasps of shock. None of them knew who each other was, where they were or any of their previous lives.

"What have you done to me?" said a small boy.

"Who are you?" said a young woman with black hair.

"Rwarghh." (I don't remember anything) said someone else.

"That is a fact." said a young woman.

"Well." said one of the boys. "What are we gonna do?"

~~~ *Stead Three* ~~~

Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2002 8:21 PM
<sorry i was half asleep when i posted last>
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 12:29 PM

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 2:32 PM
I'm posting :(

(I promise I won't wreck everything this time)

-=-=-= Stead Five =-=-=-

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 2:58 PM
Just then the Millennium Falcon landed nearby.

"Look at the state of that ship" said Anakin

The hatch opened and Han snd Leia and came out to meet the Punks.

"What have you been up to? We've been looking for you for hours" said Leia

"Who are you?" said Jacen

"Don't try to get smart with your mother, Jacen" Han said, "You know what happened to Jabba the Hutt..."

"Okay I got it" said Zekk. "You are Jacen, and he" (pointing at Lowie, because he was the only hairy one present) "must be this Jabba Hat person"

Leia stared on in disbelief as Chewbacca came out of the ship.

"Raaaaugh-rah!" said Lowie [Are you my dad?]


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 2:59 PM
"We'd better get them back to the med-centre on Coruscant." said Han.

"No time" said Chief of State Vader, who also just happened to be on board the Falcon. "There is a small Imperial Republic fleet in a nearby system. They will have medical facilities there"

The Punks seemed to be hiding from the big scarey man dressed in black.

"Come out, you lot" said Vader, "Theres a surprise for you if you come with meeeee"

Valin and Jysella ran away.

"It's my voice isn't it." Vader asked. "It sounds to intimidating"

"No, no, not at all" said Leia.


Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 2:59 PM
* * * * *

Eventually they all got to the fleet.

"Well if we let them wait here while the medical droids are powered up."

"Beer" said Tahiri, pointing at a sign as if it brought back some far distant memories.

Pretty soon, they were all drinking in the bar.

Han and Leia watched on as the more they drank, the more they remembered.

"Cancel the medical droids" said Han "we've got a cure right here"

"Hey, where are we?" said Anakin

"Don't ask me" said Jaina, now back with the group.

"Hey look there's your mum and dad said Valin, pointing over to where han and Leia where.

"Right then!" said Zekk "We've got work to do!"

And with that the Punks got onto the Falcon to finish their mission.

-=-=-= Stead Five =-=-=-
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 3:08 PM
< Well done beeurd! A cure within a Cure!!!>

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 3:31 PM
<I'm gonna post now! I won't point out that Han and Leia ALSO ate the jelly, meaning they should have lost their memories too... Oops, too late.>

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 3:39 PM
The Punks were happily settling in on board the Millenium Falcon. Han and Leia had decided that a break was in order so had blasted off in the hope that, if they kept moving, danger could not find them.

"I've plotted a completely random hyperspace jump." said Han. "I don't know where we're going. Hopefully, we won't fly through a star or an asteroid field."

The Punks all sat round a table. Guri was looking depressed.

"What's up, Guri?" asked Anakin. "Why so blue?"

Guri's head ###### to one side. "My internal systems indicate that my skin pigmentation is a normal shade. There does not appear to be any blue on me at all."

Anakin laughed. "No. I mean, you seem depressed!"

Guri smiled faintly. "Oh, THAT! It's nothing. Only, I look around and see pairs."

Tahiri laughed. "Alcohol will do that, Guri!"


Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 3:40 PM
That word was C0CKED

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 3:56 PM
Guri realised what Tahiri meant. "No, what I mean is that you all are paired off. Anakin and Tahiri, Jaina and Zekk, er, I mean Kyp, er, I mean Jag Fel, er, no... I meant Zekk. Sorry. I don't know what came over me."


Eventually, they stopped on a little unknown moon with an atmosphere. On the charts, the moon was known as PsychJed 2, orbiting the planet PsychJed where some strange individuals lived.

They left the ship. The surface was rough. The Punks decided this would be a cool place to stay for a while.

The Punks were growing concerned with Guri. She was becoming more withdrawn. They had been in hyperspace a week and the last couple of days had hardly left her room. She was heading towards depression.

"Hey! Guri!" called Zekk. "Come back!"

Guri was so unhappy she had nearly gone into Depression Valley alone. She returned to the others.

"Don't worry!" said Leia. "I know someone who would love to be seen with you! I'll fix you up when we get back."


Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 4:04 PM
Suddenly a voice came from the ship.

"Oh, DO hurry up Artoo! We haven't got all day for your dawdling!"

Threepio and Artoo appeared at the top of the ramp.

# Near, Far, Wherever you are, I believe that my heart will go oooonnn...#

The Punks looked around.

"Where's that music coming from?" asked Anakin.

Guri was looking on in awe. "Who is that GORGEOUS hunk of metal?" she asked.

Leia smirked, catching on quickly. "Oh, him? That's Threepio. He's fluent in over 6 million forms of communication, you know."

Guri gave a withering look. "Not him! The Artoo unit next to him!"

Leia looked puzzled. That's only R2-D2."

Guri smiled. "He's wonderful!"


Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 4:05 PM
<Hmm. For some reason, that post all got squished into 1 paragraph. I did it right, though.>

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 4:11 PM
<Stranger still. It's back to normal!>

Artoo and Threepio proceeded down the ramp. Artoo's dome swiveled and his eyepiece caught a glimpse of Guri.

A strange whistle came from Artoo.

Threepio looked at him, shocked. "Artoo-Deetoo. Was that a wolf-whistle?"

Guri met Artoo at the bottom of the ramp. "Hi." she said coyly. "My name's Guri. Nice to meet you."

Artoo whistled something.

"Artoo!" exclaimed Threepio. "There are minors reading this! What sort of impression are you giving them with filth like that coming from your mouth?"


The Punks stayed on the moon for almost three days. Guri and Artoo were really hitting it off. They did everything together. Too soon, though, it was time for them to leave.


Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 4:22 PM
The Punks packed their stuff. They were boarding the ship when Artoo and Guri approached.

"We've decided to stay." said Guri. "We love it here and are in love with each other."

Threepio spoke up. "Artoo! You can't stay! What about me! I LOVE YOU!"

The Punks looked on, shocked.

"Oh, come on!" said Threepio. "You mean to say you never guessed?"

Jaina shrugged. "I guess I suspected."

"Me too." said Anakin.

Artoo whistled something to Threepio. Guri shook everyone's hands.

"Goodbye, my friends." she said. "You have shown me so much love and respect. I will miss you."

With that, Artoo and Guri turned around and walked slowly away into the setting sun.

#Near, Far, Wherever you are, I believe that my heart will go oooonnnn#

Anakin looked around. "Where IS that music coming from?"

The Millenium Falcon lifted off, leaving two happy robots, in love.

~~~ *Stead Three* ~~~


Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 4:46 PM
<ok, I first i will be posting, but it will be like half an hour cuz i haf to eet dinner, and MDN2, that was really funny! i just had to say that.... ok, i will be posting, be patient!>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 5:07 PM
"O can't believe that malfunctioning bucket of bolts? Who does he think he is? Gallivanting off with another! How could he leave me here? After all we've been through!" said 3P0.

"Hey, Threepio, it's not that bad!" said Anakin, throwing an arm around the droid.

"Of course it is, Master Anakin!" said 3P0.

"Well, look, with a little touching up,some extra paint, you can have Guri's spot..." offered Anakin.

"Really, Master Anakin? I don't know about that..." said 3PO.

"Trust me, 3PO, you're manager material!" exclaimed Jacen.

"Do you really think so, Master Jacen?" 3PO said, brightening.

"I most certainly do!" exclaimed Jacen.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt, would it?" said 3PO.

"Of course not!" said Valin.

"Well, OK, I guess." said 3PO.

"OK, everyone, grab the spraypaint!"
exclaimed Anakin.

"Oh, dear..." muttered 3P0.
<ok, i know, pathetic post, but my time's limited tonite, and i want to post, so i had to type sumthign short and fast..:D>

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 5:40 PM
>I'm gonna post now! Hee hee. spray paint got my evil juices flowing!<

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 5:43 PM
<good job>

30 minutes later, the falcon was a mess! The punks forgot to put durasheet down before painting the droid. Not only that, but Threepio had run off to hide a number of times.

Now was one such time.

"Threepio! Where are you" asked Tenel Ka, whom was determined to find him first.

"Are you sure that will get him to come out?" Jacen asked, uncertainly.

"Positive, Jacen my friend."

"okay then"

Threepio had found a nice hiding spot in an equipment locker.

"I'm doomed!" he said to himself.

Just then the door opened, to reveal two teens. The two laughed whole-heartedly as they had forgotten how ridiculous they had made the droid look.

"I do not understand what is so funny." Threepio said angrily, placing his metalic hands at his hips.

This only made Jacen and Tenel Ka laugh harder.

<happy again!>
*~* Four *~*

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 6:03 PM
Jaina stepped forward. "No! I want to do it!" Anakin raised his eyebrow at her. "Well, you two get to do everything fun like this! Let me and Zekk have some fun!"

Tahiri moaned and stompped her foot. "Darnit. I was hoping you wouldn't say that!"

Anakin groaned and handed the cart of spray paint over to Jaina, who shooed away everyone except Zekk.

Zekk rubbed his hands together and grinned.

Jaina rumaged through the case of paint, throwing out flat, boring colors. She came up with about seven colors in the end of her search, and set them in front of Threepio for his approval. "So? Do yousee the possibilities that we see?"

Had he been human, Threepio would've grimaced, but, having no ability to mimic mental pain, let out an electronic sigh. "I hope not. But," another sigh, "if that is what it will take to make me... 'cool', then that is what it should be."

Jaina smiled. "Good!"

"We'll have you fixed up in no time!" Zekk assured the droid.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 6:05 PM

Tahiri paced the hall with nervousness. "Oh, I want to see what they've done to him!" She directed her pacing towards Anakin and slapped him on the shoulder. "How could you let her do that?! That's MY area of expertice!"

Anakin jumped back from the blow and said nothing, save for a muttered, "Ow," and rubbed his arm.

"Well, she DID have a point, Thairi," Jacen put in. "She and Zekk have never really done much."

Before Tahiri could retort, the door slid open and a proud Jaina and Zekk emerged, pulling off protective gloves.

"Well, friend Jaina?" Tenel Ka asked.

The couple stepped aside in response, and what apeared to be Threepio stepped out.

[Flames are like, SO in!] Lowie rumbled.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 6:05 PM
Anja stepped toward the droid and examined his head. "How the Force did you get the mohak on there?"

"Oh," answered Zekk. "It's not real. It's made from some scraps of metal we found lying around."

"Uh, Zekk," Jacen said. "Dude, scraps of metal don't just 'lie around'. Where did they come from?"

Zekk suddenly appeared nervous and looked around in a vain effort to hide it. He muttered something almost inaudible under his breath.

Jacen leaned closer, trying to hear the older man. "Pardon me? What? what was that?"

"Your... guitar..." he answered sheepishly.

"YOU WHAT!?!?!?"

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2002 6:07 PM
>Aw, rogue! I said I was gonna post! Maybe there's a way to fit yours into mine when I edit it. That work for everyone?<

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Mar 26, 2002 1:20 PM
Yours could be them re-doing Threepio....after they found him....

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Mar 26, 2002 3:15 PM
<ok, everyone, i just got rebel dream, so i will not be posting for like a week till i've read it and read it over and over again till i'm sick of it, so don't demote me! :D>
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Mar 27, 2002 8:29 AM
"Errr..yeah, it's like, your guitar.." stammered Zekk. Jacen was livid with anger.
"But it's MY guitar. Not yours, MINE!"he shouted.
A rumbling could be heard, and Zekk was suddenly clutching at his throat....
It's short I know, but I'm at school again. Last day though!
.:.:.: First Officer :.:.:.
Emp. Dan

Total Posts: 621
Date Posted: Mar 27, 2002 10:43 AM
"Zekk hand the guiter!" Jecen souted. Zekk smiled and giggled.
" Say please first!" Zekk laughed.
"Hand it over!" Jacen said losing his temper.
"Say ple..." Zekk got knocked flying by Jacen, Jacen picked up the guiter.
"Thanks" He laughed.

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Mar 27, 2002 2:43 PM
>emp. dan, that doesn't make sense, cuz Jacen was doing the Force-strangle thing, and plus, if you'd read the posts before it, you'd know that Zekk TRASHED Jacen's guitar, and used to give Threepio a mohawk. Sorry, it just doesn't fit.<

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~

Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Mar 27, 2002 6:14 PM
<Is dan even one of us.>

Total Posts: 936
Date Posted: Mar 28, 2002 6:37 AM
the 2nd page? What neglect! Upupupup!

BTW, I intend to post something in the next few days (just so u don't all die of shock), and I'd kinda appreciate it if u left threepio for me to play with. I fu have something planned for him, go ahead, coz what I'm thinking could fit pretty much anywhere.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Mar 28, 2002 11:42 AM
Ok, I'm gonna post. And I'm assuming were not gonna use Emp Dan's post, right?

(no offense, Emp Dan, it just doesn't fit)

~*:)*~ SFP One ~*:)*~
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Mar 28, 2002 11:50 AM
Zekk gurgled, and reached out in the force. Soon, Jacen found himself clutching his own thoat and gasping.

"I wonder who'll let go of the other's throat first," Anakin wondered.

"I bet Zekk wimps out first," Tenel Ka said.

"I'll take that bet," Jaina challenged. The punks stood around the two gasping boys eagerly.

"," Jacen whinned.

"Your...the..o-one...who......started this!" Zekk cried.

" my...guitar!" Jacen screamed back.

Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Mar 28, 2002 11:58 AM
Suddenly, there was a giant explosion, and a gray animal with big teeth and large floppy ears walked in. Jacen and Zekk both let go of eachother's throats in shock.

"Who are you," Jaina asked.

"No, more like what are you?" Anja asked.

"I'm Donkey," the creature said.


"Hey, man, can I stay wich'chu?" Donkey asked.

"Huh?" John muttered.

"Can i stay wich'chu? We can stay up all night, swapping manly stories, and in the morning, I'm making waffles!" Donkey cried gleefully.

Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Mar 28, 2002 12:07 PM
The punks frowned. "Hey, Donkey, I think you have something wrong here. We're the Jedi Punks," Jacen said, rubbing his throat.

"Jedi Punks? But I thought this was Shrek. Hey, what are 'ya tryin' to pull on me here? Sheesh. No respect, donkeys get no respect...," Donkey muttered, and walked away.

"I'm hungry," Tahiri grubled, watching Donkey walk away. She looked up, caught the other's eyes, and nodded.


An hour later, they were standing over a rosted Donkey.

"Hey, what are we gonna do about him?" Anakin asked, pointing at C-3PO.

"Well, I dont know about him, but I know someone is going to buy me a new guitar," Jacen said, glaring at Zekk. Zekk looked away innocently.

C-3PO stared off in the distance, humming softly, and raking his metal hand through his mohawk. I miss Artoo,he thought to himself.

~*:)*~ SFP One ~*:)*~

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Mar 28, 2002 2:19 PM
::evil laughter:: oh I have a positively horrendous(sp) idea!! (if my computer will let me post it, that is...)

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Mar 28, 2002 2:27 PM
The punks decided to hold a concert. It had been too long sense they had any fun with a wildly screaming crowd of ewoks...
This time the little furballs figured out how to do a mosh pit without trampeling one another.
Jacen was very happy to have a replacement guitar. He let Tahiri, who was still moaning about not being able to paint threepio, paint his guitar. That shut her up.
They preformed a few new songs, including the one that Anakin kept pretending to hear.
Tahiri nearly passed out by their third day on the moon of endor because of lack of highly toxic substances, but they managed to revive her with some water.
Jaina decided that she needed a new wardrobe. So she, Tahiri, and Tenel Ka all went shopping when they got back to Coruscant. Jacen, Anakin, and Zekk all complained about the bills. They just followed around the girls, making sure they didn't spend all the cash the punks had left.

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Mar 28, 2002 2:36 PM
In the end, Jaina ended up with pants that were form fitting at the top, but flared out below her knees. She decided to wear spaghetti strap shirts because she was sick of pulling up her tube tops.
The other two girls ended up with similar outfits.
When they got back to the ship, the punks decided to dye their hair new colors. Tahiri gladly did all the dying for all (insert # of however many punks there are now) punks. She resisted dying Jaina's head neon orange cuz Jaina had drunk Tahiri's last bottle of moonshine. She instead dyed her hair pink with silver highlights.
"Now we can call you 'Pink'" Jacen said.
"No, that name's already copyrighted." Jaina replied.
"Like, what a groovy(sp) hairdo, mistriss Jaina." Threepio said.
"Groovy?(sp)" Jaina repeated.
"Like?" Anakin said, astounded.
"I think Threepio's finally learned to talk!" Zekk exclaimed.
~_~_Sf Lead_~_~

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Mar 28, 2002 2:38 PM
<I know, not the best of posts, but my creativeness is fried. I just took four tests in all four core classes, and trying to remember all forty countries in Western Europe is not a skill I possess.>
* Sarah *

Total Posts: 2894
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2002 4:04 AM

I really like the last couple of posts.

Total Posts: 881
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2002 1:15 PM
<there's 40 countries in Europe? Wow did I do Geography? Oh yeah that's right - I didn't...>


<I have ideas, but now is not the right time to use them - so I shall wait>

-=-=-= Stead Five =-=-=-
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2002 2:09 PM
Allright, I'm posting.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2002 2:18 PM
"Yes," Threepio said, "I downloaded a new language recently: Punk. I now fully understand the meaning of the words "mosh pit" and "head banging". Do you think Artoo will like it if I become Punk?"

"You surely look it," Anakin scoffed.

Threepio turned his head to look at Anakin. "Do I really?" he asked hopefully.

Jacen rolled his eyes. "He was being sarcastic, dude."


"But you look great anyway!" Jaina offered. "Once Artoo sees you, you'll be the man of his dreams."

"Do you think so," he asked hopefully. "Dude," he added after a pause.

"Totally. What you need, though, are some punk clothes now." Jaina said. "Hey, I've got it!" She ran to her room, and brought back an old tupe top and mini-skirt. "Here 'ya go, Threepio. Try these on."

Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2002 2:26 PM
It took all the punks had to hold back laughter as Threepio wriggled (if that was possible for a droid to do) in the tube top and mini-skirt, and when it was done, the punks all nodded their heads and bit their cheecks from bursting out in laughter.

"Now..." Anja started, "you need a knew name. Threepio just doesn't sound punkish."

"Yes, you know, I was thinking the exact same thing," Threepio said.

"How about Metallica?" Tahiri suggested.

"Nah, why would anyone want that for a name?" John asked.

"Wait! I've got it!" Tenel Ka cried gleefully. "Kara (Car-uh)!"

"Perfect," Zekk agreed. "By the way, Kara, have you met Mara, Tara, and Lara?"

Kara looked blankly at the Punks. "Oh dear!"

~*:)*~ SFP One ~*:)*~
Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2002 2:30 PM

I don't have a rank yet but could I write a little something?
Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2002 9:12 PM
guys I really need a rank so right now I just sign my posts *~*no rank yet*~*

If you don't like it just delete it or ignore it k

*~*no rank yet*~*
Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2002 9:14 PM

Leia: I don?t like it Han, they aren?t old enough to be running around the galaxy drinking and practically living without parental supervision.

Han: Well wadda ya want me to do about it sweetheart? Not even Mara could keep them in one place for long. How do ya expect me to do anything?

Leia: We have to give them an incentive to cooperate.

Han snorted ?incentive? The only thing they care about is their band and whichever other member of the band is their lover...

Leia: HAN!!!!!

Han: It?s true Leia, think about it. Jaina and Zekk, Jacen and Tenel Ka, Anja and Lowie, Anakin and Tahiri, heck even Jysella and John. The only one who isn?t attached is Valin and me moans about constantly.

Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2002 9:15 PM
Leia: They?re too young...

Han: It doesn?t matter hon, they?re determined to stay together no matter what.

Leia: THAT?S IT!!!!

Han: huh? What?s it?

Leia: We tell them that unless they want to never see each other again and have their band taken apart they have to go to that new drinking program the Galactic Alcoholics Anonymous Program.

Han: Isn?t that a little harsh sweetheart? I mean they?re just kids.

Leia: exactly, they?re KIDS. They need to be careful.

Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2002 9:16 PM

{Threepio walks in}

Threepio: Oh Mistress Leia you are absolutely right! And as manager of the Punks I will like watch over them. You dudes don?t have to worry about them kids.

Leia: THREEPIO!!! What happened to you? Who did this to you? Here let?s get you cleaned up...

{Jaina and Zekk walk in arm in arm}

Jaina: Well mom wadda ya think? Great isn?t he?

Leia: JAINA SOLO!!!! I do NOT believe you did this. How could you? Zekk, I want you to get the others now we have got to talk. Jaina go get something to clean Threepio off with now.

{The two leave with Threepio following}

Leia: Han I want you to get Luke and Mara in here and I want Prince Isolder and Mirax and Corran in on the conversation via HoloNet can you do that?

Han: Sure hon I?ll go do that.

Leia: Thank you, Ok let?s go make a deal.
Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2002 9:18 PM
there you go thats all I am writing tonight but I will ############ the morning

good night everybody

*~*no rank yet*~*
Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2002 9:21 PM
#################################### t-h-e

weird why was THAT sensered (sp?)

*~*no rank yet*~*
Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2002 9:22 PM

Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2002 9:22 PM
Beeurd's Girl

Total Posts: 225
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2002 9:23 PM
oops it in

*~*no rank yet*~*

Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Mar 30, 2002 2:36 AM
I know this should be in the Convo thread, but I'm too tired to go hunting for it. I read all 108 pages of this and LOVED IT. That's why I'm so tired: I read it strait through, starting yesterday morning. And I'm a very fast reader(note time). This story is Brill! I would join up but I'm having writers block. I'm supposed to have worked on a report yesterday, but gave up and read this. My eyes are failing me, so
May the Force be with you

Total Posts: 244
Date Posted: Mar 30, 2002 2:37 AM
Wait a moment... it's now on 65 pages... I'm starting to sound like Jacen
May the Force be with you
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