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Ongoing Comedy: Jedi Punks - 3224 replies on 36 pages. 2 replies posted today.

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Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Jan 26, 2002 5:45 PM
A conversation thread would be great, podracer. We could discuss story ideas and other things without taking up space in the actual story. Please do it!
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jan 26, 2002 5:58 PM
Hmm...we managed to keep this story alive, so a conversation thread would be great!

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Jan 27, 2002 1:44 PM
>Okay, I'll put up the convo thread right now then! That'll give the readers that don't write anything a place to talk, and us writers to discuss ideas!<

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Jan 27, 2002 5:19 PM
Hello Everyone! This is a great story! You'd be surprised at the looks I've been recieving while i was reading this. (I wrote before under another name.) Anyway...I decided to continue the story...despite my amatuer writing skills.(My spelling skills too, I guess)

The Punks,were badly concerned about the warning, and thier low alcahol level, and decided to find a nearby cantina. They quickly ran through several corridors, all of which were mysteriously empty.
"So, what do you think is going on?" asked Jysella, disterbing the strange silence.
"Let's ask someone." replied Jainaas they finally entered the cantina.
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Jan 27, 2002 5:20 PM
*Jaina as*
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Jan 27, 2002 5:31 PM
Jaina's jaw dropped in surprise when she saw who was sitting at the bar.
"Hello Kyp,"a shocked Anakin said as he entered the room.
"What are you doing here?" asked Jacen
"I had a conversation with your uncle," Kyp started. "and I thought you might be in trouble..."
"This is a fact..." said Taheri, chuckling as she teased her dathomiri friend.
"...and I thought you might want some help." Kyp said as he turned to face them.
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Jan 27, 2002 5:32 PM
If you don't like the posts...ignore them, I guess.
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Jan 27, 2002 5:40 PM
Quiestion: what does it take to become a Pshychopathetic Jedi? I'd like to join the group, and i was wondering if there are any requirements.
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Jan 28, 2002 1:32 PM
No requirements that I know of, but you'd have to ask podracer, it's her idea.

Jaina felt her face go red. She liked Zekk, but she also liked Kyp too. Would her affections for both of them cause conflict within the band? Jaina sighed in frustration. Love was so complicated.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jan 28, 2002 2:07 PM
Jaina quickly got over her moment of thought, and stated, "Actually, Kyp, we're not in trouble yet. We've had warnings, but we cant seem to find out what's going on. We cant even find Lando, who is supposed to be here on vacation with his wife. Do you know anything?"

"Well, no," Kyp stammered, "Luke just told me you were in trouble."

"Yeah, in trouble with his wife," Zekk said under his breath.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jan 28, 2002 2:15 PM
They walked out of the cantina. Spotting a drunk in the street, they walked over to him, weapons drawn. "What is going on here?" Tahiri demanded.

"Easy, little girl, you aren't actually gonna shoot me, are you? Put the weapon down," he slurred. Tahiri aimed her gun. Noticing the other punks for the first time, the alien's eyes jumped out of his head. "Okay, okay, I'll tell you everything. You guys gotta get off this planet as soon as you can."

"Why?" Jacen asked.
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2002 12:41 PM
"The word going around is...that some crazy women are going around threatening everyone, that they will blow Cloud City to shreds, if a group of 'punks' aren't brought to them within the hour. The leader said something about revenge for her ship..."
"Sithspit, they know we're here!" Zekk said.
"Or they have reason to think you are." replied Kyp.
"One Question," Tahiri said to the drunken man, "Why are you still here?"
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2002 1:15 PM
"Well, since no one has verified this, there's no reason to panic. Who would want to take a drunk in their ship anyway? Want to join me for a drink?" slurred the drunk.
Refusing, Tahiri and the others cautiously walked down the street.
A sudden disturbance up ahead made Zekk motion all the Punks into an empty storage room. Locking the door, Jacen passed out ysalamiri necklaces for everyone, which he just happened to be carrying in a knapsack.
The Punks all put their ears to the door and listened.
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2002 2:18 PM
"Alright you, where are they?" said a voice.
"That sounds like Mara!" whispered Anakin. The snap-hiss of a lightsaber followed, and another voice spoke.
"You realise that if we find you are lying to us, we will have to ....punish you?"
"It's Mirax!" exclaimed Jaina. The being who was being held for questioning wimpered with fear.
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2002 2:32 PM
"Whho-who are yyou lookin' for?" it asked.
"THE PUNKS!!" yelled a revenge crazed Mara and Mirax. "After what they did to the both of us and my ship, THEY WILL PAY!!"
Behind the door, the Punks glanced at each other nervously.
"Uhhh, I haven't seen any punks walking around, but I.."
"Silence!!" cried Mirax. Mara reached out with the Force.
"This one's telling the truth" she said. Then her eyes narrowed as she turned to the being.
"Get out of my sight!" growled Mara.
A few moments later, Mara and Mirax walked past the door the Punks were hiding behind.

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2002 3:28 PM
"C'mon. They're obviously not in this alley."
Mara motioned Mirax to follow her.

The Punks let out sigh of relief. "Okay, we'll wait a minute, then get out of her," Zekk ordered.

After a count of 100, Jaina opened the door. Stepping out, she nearly ran into Mirax. "Here for the concert?" she asked timidly.

"Not exactly."

"We came to see you," Mara put in.

"Oh. Really? That's too bad, 'cause we were just on our way off-planet," Jaina answered.

Mirax and Mara let deadly smiles creep across their lips. "We know you were," Mara answered.

"And you're coming with US, Punk-brats!"

Jaina let out a groan.


Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2002 3:29 PM

"So, how did you find us?" Tahiri asked. "We were wearing ysalamiri necklaces."

Mara laughed. "Oh, simple-minded fools! I takes the entire animal to generate a bubble."

Jaina looked surprised, but mangaged to stammer: "B-but that's not what you told us on Coruscant."

Mara smiled at her. "I'm surprised you remembered that!" She gave him sarcastic applause. "It's too bad that you were so drunk that you believed me." Her smile turned into an angry scowl.

Jaina looked down, embarrassed.

Mara gave the Punks bound together on the floor of Mirax's ship a look of disappointment. "Didn't you notice that NONE of your senses were impaired?"

Anakin replyed the memory breifly in his mind. "Come to think of it, there WAS no difference."

Mara smiled at the boy. "Very good. You've all grown so used to seeing the Universe with an enhanced veiw, you sometimes forget that you aren't normal. Shame on you. For becoming so blind like that." She shook her head.

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2002 3:32 PM
Zekk let his head fall back. "I don't know how we're going to get out of this one."

"Hey! That line sounds awfully familiar..." Jaina said.

Just then, the ship lurched beneath them.

Mirax ran in from the cockpit. "The hyperdrive is down!"

"Sheilds?" Mara asked.


Jaina just laughed. "Now I know where I heard it!"
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2002 3:45 PM
As the ship cleared Bespin's atmosphere, Mirax swore.
"Sithspit! Star destroyer dead ahead!"
The Punks all looked at each other . The situation had improved.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2002 7:21 PM
Zekk grinned at Jaina and whispered, "Maybe it's our friends from Bastion."

"What did you say?" Mara hollered.

"I said, they have no chance against us," Zekk answered nonchalantly.

"Hmmm, you really think so?" Mirax asked thoughtfully.

"We can win," Jaina said.

"We can win," Mirax echoed.

Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2002 7:25 PM
"You will let us go, then we will help you," Anakin said forcefully, catching onto Jaina's plan.

"I will let you go, then you can help me..." Mirax whispered. She cut off their bonds, then strolled out of the room as if she were in a trance. The Punks grinned.

"We'd better go before Mirax figures out we used mind powers on her, and Mara finds out we're missing," Jacen said. They found an escape pod on the ship, and ejected, heading for the star destroyer.
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2002 1:47 PM
Mara...aware of thier escape, and unaware that the punks have/ had imperial friends...decided to leave them to thier fate...
While an angry Mirax...longed for her children...and for her dignity.

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2002 2:54 PM
The punks flew the escape pod into the main hangar of the star destroyer. After landing, they all crowded round the exit hatch.
"Well, at least we escaped from those crazy women." said Jacen as he thumbed the release hatch.
They all exited the pod. What they saw stunned them into silence.
"Hello, punks!" came the voice of a crazy woman in the middle of a gang of armed stormtroopers - all with their weapons pointed at them. The voice belonged to...

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2002 2:58 PM
Ysanne Isaard!
"But, but, you're dead!" cried Tahiri!
"No, it wasn't me who died 4 years ago" she replied. "It was my clone! Now I'm back and am going to take over the galaxy with... your singing!" Her red and blue eyes danced crazily in the light.
"What!?!" the punks all cried in unison.

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2002 3:03 PM
"Yes!" she said. "I have a very cunning plan. First I will torture you to make you do my bidding, then you will record for me a song so boring and terrible that whoever listens to it will become mindless zombies, ready to do my bidding! HA HA HA HA HA!" she laughed maniacally. "Oh," she added. "Don't try any of that force stuff on me. I have a ship full of ysalamiri!"
"Oh no!" cried the punks! "Whatever shall we do?"

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2002 3:06 PM
<That's my part for today. Please someone continue. I couldn't think of a way for them to escape. Or maybe they could record the song?>

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2002 3:07 PM
<Oh, I forgot. The ship they are on is the Lusankya.>
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2002 3:57 PM
"Jedi fools day!" the lady cried, taking off a mask. Long green hair fell to the deck, and the punks instantly recognized her as an officer that was at Bastion. "Actually, we came here to ask you guys if you wanted to perform at Bastion again. We're having this big smash with keggars and everything."

The punks let out their breath in relief.

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2002 5:34 PM
"Sure we will!" Jacen said.
"Yeah," Jaina said. The other punks started lauging evily. They followed the Imps back to their own SD, which they named the Broken Imperial. A few Imperial officers were seen around the place, wearing horrendously similar outfits to the punks. After one of the females showed up with a tube top on, the punks decided it was time to go.
"Okay. We need a ship, so we'll steal this SD. Then we can run to the Unknown Reigons and hide for a few years." Jaina said to the other punks as they were coming up with their escape plan.
"But we'll need supplies. Anakin and Tahiri, you get the hair dye. Jacen and Tenel Ka, you get the drinks. Zeek and I will swipe some food, and Lowie can figure out what to do with the Imps on out SD." Jaina continued. Jacen glared at her.
"I say that we tie them up and have some fun!" Tahiri said, rubbing her hands together. Jacen sighed.
"Isn't one demented person out for revenge on us enough?" he asked.

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2002 5:40 PM
"No." Anakin said. Soon they all met back at the SD's command center with their survival packs. Lowie growled. He switched off EmTeeDee mid-sentance.
"Okay, Lowie." Jaina said. Jacen smiled. The Solos all went out with some rope, and Lowie, to tie up the Imperials. They stashed them all near the 'make-over' room.
Soon the punks were far into the unknown reigons. Jaina fell asleep in the command chair, and she dreamed that an asteroid was shooting plasma bolts at their SD. She jolted awake. Naw, that could never happen.
"Hey, Jaina. I'm bored. What do you say we play with the Imps?" Jacen asked. Anakin opened up some of thir drinks...
For the next month the punks hid out in the UK, re creating Imperials. Jaina had alot of fun with them memory wipes, making them think they were people she knew, like Leia. It was too funny to watch 'Mara' try to kill 'Luke'. After a while, though, they ran out of Imperials and beer. So they went back to known space.

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2002 5:47 PM
They went to Coruscant, hoping that Mara and Mirax had forgotten about them. Jaina nearly killed a bounty hunter that tried to grab her from behind. When they saw it was a Jedi, they knew things were bad. They walked with their lightsabers out, ready to attack. Soon they found Mara.
"So you have returned!" she cried. Tahiri and Tenel Ka slipped behind the group.
"Mirax! Mirax! They are here!" Mara shouted. Jysella and Valin slipped back with the girls. When Mirax tried to get the punks, Tenel Ka tripped her. They laughed as she fell commically on her face. Mara had already seen their plan, though, and caught Tahiri slipping past her with Jysella.
"You will never escape!!!" she screamed. The punks all ran as fast as possible to Leia and Han's rooms. They locked the door behind them. But they froze solid when they saw Leia, and the way she had dressed. She also had in a new hair stylr, one that had clearly involved a razor.

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2002 5:55 PM
As they were bound for Coruscant, Jysella turned to Jaina and whispered in a wavery voice "I-I want my mommy!" and tears trickled down her cheeks. Valin rolled his eyes,"Aw, jeez,Jys, stop being such a baby!" And then the ship was lurched prematurely out of hyperspace.
"Uh-oh." whispered Zekk into the stunned silence of the cabin.
"Uh-oh." agreed Jacen. They looked out the viewport, seeing a large New Republic fleet ahead.
"Oh, Sith." commented Jaina.
"Yup, I'd agree with that." said Zekk.
"They're hailing us." said Anakin.
"Open the channel." said Jacen.
A staticy voice filled the bridge.
"Unidentified vessel, stand by for boarding. Wait, neg that. You are under arrest, Jaina and Jacen Solo. Stand by for boarding party. Do not try anythign. You have the right to remain silent..." Jacen switcehd the comm off. They sat there in shocked silence. So this was it~ caught by the NR, they were sure to get nailed by Mara and Luke. They looked on in apprehension. <tbc...>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2002 5:56 PM
<OOOPS! Ignore that- i didnt see that when i wuz writing! sorry!!!! heehee!!!>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2002 5:57 PM
<so sorry!>

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2002 6:07 PM
"Mom, wha-a-a-at did you do to your hair?"
"You like it? You'd better!" said Leia. The kids gulped. They were surrounded, but Anakin whispered,"Tahiri! Back me up!"
"Got it!" said Tahiri. Anakin rose towards the ceiling as if on a platform. He hacked a hole in the ceiling, large enough for them to get through while the others battled their parents. Mirax yanked Jysella by the hair and dragged her off.
"Jysella!" shouted Valin. "Guys, we can't leave her behind! She's one of us!!"
"Kid's got a point." said Jacen.
"NOT a kid!"exclaimed Val.
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Jan 31, 2002 6:14 AM
Jysella was back in Mirax's custody. Mirax had tied Jysella to a chair, and there was no possibility of escape.
"No daughter of mine will go around with purple hair and punk clothes!" hissed Mirax.
"And now" she said,"We will do something about that hair of yours!"
Jysella's eyes widened in horror as Mirax's razor whirred close to her head.

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 1, 2002 7:43 PM
"Oh, shoot!" exclaimed Valin as he sensed his sister's fear. "Mom's going whacko! Where's Dad when ya need him?"
"What are they doing to Jysie?" asked Jaina.
"Umm, tied her to a chair and shaving her head." responded Valin.
"Hmm... the shaved head thing... again..." said Anakin, "That was sooo...last month..."
"Dude, I like totally agree!" added Tahiri enthusiastically.
"Guys, so Jys won't feel so out of place when we steal her back, let's shave our heads too!" suggested Zekk.
"Always the considerate one, weren't you?" asked Anakin.
"Of course." said Zekk.
"I dunno bout that..." said Jaina. "Jace, what do you think?"
"Umm, let's discuss this over a couple of beers, ok?" responded Jacen.
"This, I like!" Jaina commented.
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Feb 1, 2002 7:52 PM
The boards are back, but several replies to our threads have been erased. Hmmm....!?

The Punks lounged in the Solo's kitchen, sipping beer and discussing whether or not to shave their heads. Occasionally a loud scream would be heard from the room Jysella and Mirax were in. The Punks paid it no attention. Jysella and her mother were obviously spending quality time together and besides, the beer was relaxing.

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2002 10:28 AM
When Jysella ran out of the room with her mother, Jaina finally noticed something was wrong.
"Whasup, Jys?" Jacen said, the words slurred together.
"Help! She's gone insane! Get us out of here!Anyone!" Jysella cried. Mirax appeared waving the electric razor. A scream jolted the punks back to their senses.
"Let's go! To the Fizzz Houndmobile!"Jaina said, trying to keep her vision straight. Zekk frowned.
"Wrong univerise, Jaya." he said. After a great deal of struggling, the punks finally got in their ship and shot for hyperspace. Almost imediately, a voice was heard over the com.
"Jacen and Jaina Solo, you are under arrest! Surrender at once!" the cheery female voice said. Anakin slapped his forhead.
"They couldn't even talk to us directly? Punch it, Lowie!" he said. Lowied growled something about being in charge.
"That's right, junior. I'm in charge, here!"

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2002 10:40 AM
"Dad!" Jaina exclaimed.
"And Chewie! Not you two, too!" Jacen finished for her.
"Yup, you bet it is. You three get your Jedi rears back here right now, or Chewie an' me'll have to come get you in the falcon!" Han yelled over the com. Jaina heard someone in the background and hurried to finish calculating the hyperspace jump. When she ran out of time, she stalled.
"Daddy, who's on the ship with you and Chewie?" she asked.
"Uh...nobody!" Han responded quickly. Too quickly.
"Could it be Uncle Luke or Aunt Mara?" Jacen asked, as always taking the words out of Jaina's mouth.
"!" Han said again. They heard the sound of a lightsaber turning on.
"No, Punk fools!" Mirax screamed.
"I thought we were Jedi fools..." Jacen whispered with a smile.
"Whatever! I give you ten seconds to come back here before I total Solo's ship!" Mirax threatened.

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2002 10:47 AM
Jacen noticed that his girlfriend was loist in thought. It was a rare feature, because none of the punks really liked thinking that much any more.
"Whats up?" Jacen asked. Tenel Ka looked up.
"The ceiling." She replied with a frown. Jaina giggled as Anakin and Mirax started throwing things at the com.
"I mean what are you thinking?" Jacen asked.
"Jace, we have not been able to hide on a planet, right?" Jacen nodded. "Well, why don't we hide under a planet?"
"That's impossible! No one could his under a planet! It's a sphere! oud have to..." he slowly realized what he was being told.
"Good, Jacen!" Tenel Ka said with a smirk.
"Jaina, set course for Yavin 4!" Jacen yelled above Anakin. Jaina nodded.
"Right, little bro." she said with a grin. She knew how much that nickname annoyed Jacen. Mirax screamed something as the hound left for the academy...

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2002 10:48 AM
I'm done now...

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2002 11:56 AM
When they reached Yavin4, Tionne was there to greet them. The punks 'borrowed' some shovels...and dug an underground! But notheing perpared them for what they dug up next.
"Sith!" Jaina said, awestruct. It seemed that they had run into another underground, one thousands of years old.
"Hello, and welcome to the Sith Underground!" an old man said cheeirly, as if people dug into this cavern every day.
"Hi! We're running away from two Jedi! You won't have to worry about us at all!" Jacen said, shaking the Sith's hand. Jain's mouth hung open in disbelief.
"Jace, these are Sith! As in the curse word Sith! What are you doing?!" she whispered furiously. Jacen kept calm.
"If Uncle Luke never found the Sith here...chance is he'll never find us, either." he flashed a lopsided grin "Besides, these people have been here for centuries. We could show them some modern stuff, like music!"
~^~^~the SteadFast Officer~^~^~ (yippie!)
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2002 1:26 PM
The Punks followed the old man down a long, dimly lit tunnel. As they walked further into the darkness, Jacen noticed something strange.
"Hey, you're growing taller!"he said to their guide.
"Or the tunnel is getting lower"said Tenel Ka.
"No no no, that's what happens in thatother movie" said the old man. " Have any of you been drinking? That would explain the tunnel and the smell of alcohol".
Lowie hicupped, and the old man smiled slyly.
.:.: the First Officer (still stunned):.:.

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2002 3:44 PM
"Umm, so where are we going, Mr. Sith man?" asked Tahiri.
"Oh, you'll see!" came the cheery response. The aged man stared humming as they walked along.
"This guy is freakin' me out!" whispered Valin.
"Thank you very much, young Horn." said the man.
Valin narrowed his eyes. "I never told you my name!" he exclaimed.
"I know everyone's name down here in the Underground." came the response.
"I'm not sure it's a good thing if no one knows where we are... or that there is a Sith Underground." commented Tahiri, "Like, what if he murdered us and no one sees us again?"
"I am not a murderer, thanks a bunch." said the old guy.
"Dude, I wasn't even talking to you!" exclaimed Tahiri.
"Everyone talks to me down here." came the calm reply.
"Blaster bolts!" whispered Jaina.
"We're here!" announced the guy as they emerged into an inky black cavern. tbc...

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2002 3:45 PM
"You guys ready to give a concert?" asked the old geezer.
"What? A concert?!" exclaimed Anakin.
"Of course! We may be a bunch of old, evil guys, but we DO have good taste in music!"
"Uh, ok..." said Jacen.
"I do not thinks so, friend Jacen." said Tenel Ka.
"Fact." he replied.
*~*~*~SFp Two*~*~*~ :D
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2002 4:06 PM
"You think we could..." Anakin started.

"Nope," came the reply from the old man. "You wont get ten feet without me catchin' you."

"Hey, was I talkin' to you?" Anakin said furiously.

"Dont matter if you were or wenen't. Didn't you hear the guy?" Jaina scolded Anakin.

"Now what are we gonna do?" moaned Zekk.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2002 4:12 PM
"Oh, you're name is, I have a surprise for you," Tenel Ka whispered to the man seductively, winking at the punks. She pulled down her tube top that she borrowed from Jaina a little more, and pulled the old man into the room next door. The punks stared wide eyed after her, wondering what she had just done. Jacen was the most shocked, but somehow managed to recover his voice first.

"Um,...guys?" he whispered. "What just happened?"

"..., dunno," Jaina whispered back. "Why would she wanna...I mean who would wanna...well...,"

A thought hit Tahiri. "You guys, I think I know her plan."
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2002 4:15 PM
Zekk raised his eyebrow at Tahiri. "Well, dont just stand there, tell us!"

~Your Steadfast Pilot 1~
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2002 6:56 PM
"Ok," Tahiri started. "Tenel Ka learned this new force trick the other day. When dealing with Sith, you can drain their powers from them if you lay your hand on their heart. It's really hard to do, and only a very concentrated jedi can do it."

"Why didn't she tell me?" Jacen complained.

"So, Tenel Ka is going to try this new technique on him? What about all the other Sith around here? She cant possibly steal the powers from all of them," Jaina said.

"Once she takes the powers, she can use them to steal the other Siths' powers all at once," Tahiri said smugly.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2002 7:06 PM
Just then, Tenel Ka burst back into the room, and smile on her face. "It worked," she cried. The others cheered.

"What have you done to me?" the old Sith thundered, stomping into the room. "I'll get you punks for this!" He ran after the now fleeing Jedi.

"Quick, lets steal that ship," Anakin panted. They ran up the ramp, and started up the ship. With Jaina piloting, they flew out of the underground hideout.

"Great, yet one more person after us," Jaina said sarcasticly as soon as they were safely into hyperspace.

"Where are we going now?" Zekk asked.

"We are going to Vortex," Jaina said. Jacen snorted.

"Vortex?" It's was Tenel Ka's turn to laugh. "Jaina, my friend, they do not listen to music like this at Vortex."
"Yeah, well, just make sure not to crash into any big towers there," Jacen joked.
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2002 7:18 PM
"Ah, aha," Zekk laughed, geting a strange look from the rest of the punks, especially Tenel Ka. "It was, uh, a joke," he stamered.

"I do not appreciate being made fun of, Zekk," Tenel Ka stated.

"This is a fact," Tahiri laughed. Tenel Ka glared at her.

"Easy," Jacen told his girlfriend.


"Interesting, you say they stole your powers?"

"Yes, the one called Tenel Ka deceived me, but she will pay. They will all pay!" he roared.

"Hmmm...., so they're going to Vortex, are they?" Mara sat in the pilot seat of her ship, staring at the screen. An old man stared back at her.

"Yes," he growled. "They stole my personal ship just a few hours ago. I saw to it myself that a tracker was put on all my ships before I bought them. You will find those Jedi, then we will kill them together." The former Sith reached up and broke the connection with Mara.

~SF Pilot 1~
Jaina Solo (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1473
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2002 7:20 PM
Mara grinned and looked over at her companions. "Now the fun begins." Mara, Tara, Mirax, Luke, and some mutated Imperials all laughed evily. Mara set her course for Vortex.

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2002 7:36 PM
"So, um, guys, why are we going to Vortex?" asked Valin.
"Uh, I dunno,cuz it sounded like fun? Besides, someone needs to teach them some music!" answered Jaina.
"Dude! Liek, right on sister!" said Anakin.
"Anakin, talk like that went out of style in the 20th century! Dude,like lay off that spice!" said Tahiri.
"I haven't done any spice today, honest!" sputtered and angry Anakin.
"Uh-huh. Suuuure ya didn't." Tahiri said skeptically.
"Fine, then don't believe me but the others all do, right guys?"
"Course we do Ani, course we do." reassured Jaina. "I think it's the hair." she whispered. Ani had just dyed it neon green with daisies, and was letting it grow out long. TBC....

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2002 7:37 PM
"I think you're right." answered Zekk.Anakin stomped out of the room, muttering somethign about how no one ever trusts him and that he knows better than to do spice,but no one really noticed.
"OK, so now Anakin's gone, let's party!" said Jacen.
"I HEARD THAT!" shouted Anakin. Lowie woofed laughting, and Tenel Ka started laughing, too. Everyone stared at her as she cracked up.
"Um, Tenel Ka, I dunno if you realize this, but you're laughing!" said Jacen.
"Friend Jacen, shut up." was the reply.
Zekk, Jaina, Lowie, Tahiri, Valin and everyone else burst out laughing.

Total Posts: 638
Date Posted: Feb 3, 2002 12:14 PM
"Are we there yet?" asked Jysella in this whiny-little-kid voice. Jacen sighed in exasperation, "No, for the 14th time, we are NOT there yet!"
"Um, Master Jacen, that is only the thirteenth time you've said that." corrected Em-Teedee.
"Shup up, you little droid before I arrange a memory wipe when we get to Vortex!" gritted Jacen through his teeth.
"Oh, dear. A memory wipe? Oh, dear me!" Teedee muttered. Lowie reached down and shut him off.
"Thank you, Lowie!" exclaimed Jacen.
"Please, someone remind me why we fixed him again?" asked Jaina. Everyone shrugged.
"So, what are the odds that Luke and Mara will have beaten up to Vortex?" asked Zekk.
"Quite large, if I know them." said Jaina.
"Great. Emerging from hyperspace in 5minutes!" announced Jacen.
"I hope the Vors are friendly," said Valin.
<sorry, ahd to get it back up, so I added something dumb. someone add to it from here!... please?...;D) *~*~*~Two*~*~*~

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 3, 2002 12:29 PM
>You readers should check out the convo thread.<


Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 3, 2002 1:10 PM
Suddenly the Punks were jolted off their feet.
"What's happening!?!" cried Jaina.
"We came out of hyperspace early!" answered Jacen. "And I think I know why. Look!"
They all looked where Jacen was pointing. Directly in front of them lay and interdictor.
"Oh, man!" said Valin. "What now?"
A voice came over the comm. "I have you now, Punk Brats!" it said. It was Mara.
"You have GOT to be kidding me!" the Punks cried in unison.
~~~ *Green Lead* ~~~

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 3, 2002 1:18 PM
"So, planning a little trip to the Vortex, were we?" Mara said. "Didn't count on me being here, did you? Ha!"
"How did you find us?" asked Tahiri.
"I will always find you! You cannot escape from me!" she answered. Her voice had a more maniacal edge on it than usual.
Suddenly the ship shook as beams of purple light burst from Mara's ship and flew towards them.
"She's firing on us!" yelled Jacen.
"Hmm, I like that purple. I wonder if it would suit my hair?" said Jaina.
~~~ *Green Lead* ~~~
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 1:56 PM
"We have to do something!" a nervous yet excited Tahiri yelled to Jaina and Zekk, who were taking the controls as a huge blast shook the ship, and emteede went flying back, nailing thier Wookie friend in the rear.
Luckily, thier opponents had forgotten to turn off the commchannel allowing them to hear everything that was happening...

ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 2:09 PM
Everyone on the bridge turned when they heard an angry Mara, barf in the refresher....and everyone heard the conversation... that was taking place...
"How long have you been throwing up for?" a worried Leia asked.
"About three weeks," was her reply.
"Wasn't that about the same time Luke, started prancing around all cheerfully? Leia questioned curriously...
"Yea, well, he's a lot better now that he's back to normal, and my hair grew back..."came the reply.
"Mara! You have morning sickness!"Leia gasped.
"Yea well, Luke always was a good kisser..."said Mara.
"You're tellin me!"
ROGUEeleven (Sticks)

Total Posts: 1186
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 2:13 PM
Oops forgot! lol and i came up w/ this idea!

*~τΏτ~* Green Two *~τΏτ~*

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 2:59 PM
What Leia had actually said finally hit Mara. "Wait a second.... MORNING SICKNESS!?!?"

Leia nodded an affirmative.

Mara, jaw nearly to the floor, continued, "Uhhhh, Leia, I don't think so."

Leia smiled, still convinced of the obvious. "Trust me, Mara."

"No. I REALLY doubt it."

Leia leaned closer to Mara. "Why don't you go lie down, and do a self-assesment with the Force."

Mara sighed in resignation. "Okay. Fine! But you'll see! It's just the flu or something, I'm SURE of it!"

Leia smiled after Mara as she left the room.


Just as she stepped into her room, Mara noticed the presence of some primative life. 'Strange,' she thought to herself.

Sitting down in the most comfortable chair she could find, Mara was able to pinpoint the location of the lifeform: it was near her abdomen. 'Well, maybe it's NOT the flu,' she thought.

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 3:00 PM
Closing her eyes in concentration, she zeroed in with the Force on the life. It was a collection of her own cells-- almost tumor-like-- nestled in her uterus. 'Oh Sith! It's NOT the flu! It's a tumor! No wonder I've been sick for so long!' she thought to herself.
She shifted her grip with the Force, ready to cut off the blood flow. A new wave of nausea almost broke her concentration. Rushing to ############# and get to the 'fresher, Mara choked the "tumor."

Just as she had, she realized what had felt so strange about it... it felt kind of like Luke's life signature. The realization of what she had done hit her like a bantha hoof. "Opps," she said out loud.

"Oh, my. Luke is NOT going to be happy about this."

The door whooshed open and Luke ran through. "Mara!" He knealt by his wife's side (who was by now laughing hysterically at her mistake).

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 3:00 PM
He looked more concerned than ever. "Mara! What is wrong? Mara, answer me!"

Whiping away tears of mirth, Mara managed: "It was an accident!!!"

Luke took her by the shoulders. "Mara, WHAT was an accident?! What happened"

Not able to speak, Mara made the gesture of strangling someone, pointed vaguly to Luke, then erupted in a new fit of laughter.

"Mara!" Luke had nearly lost his patience. "What does this," he mimiced the gesture, "mean?!"

Still laughing like a maniac, Mara finally managed, "I killed it!"

"WHAT did you kill?!?"

Mara said nothing, just continued to laugh, and pointd to her stomach, to Luke, then back again.

Then it hit him. No wonder the room reeked of death!

Luke stood in utter amazement. "Mara? You didn't?"

Still laughing, Mara nodded.

Luke stomped his foot in disappointment. "Drat it! Mara, you moron! What do you have to say for yourself?!"

Laughter beginning to subside, Mara answered: "My bad!"

Total Posts: 876
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 3:02 PM
>Not sure what happened but all of the # is supposed to be "take care of the thing." Why it got marked out is beyond me!<

~~~~May the Force be with y'all~~~~

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 3:11 PM
Mara shrugged.
"Oh well." she said. "You live and learn. I promise I won't kill our next child until it's at least fourteen. Anyway, c'mon! We've got Punks to kill!"
They dashed back to the control deck of the interdictor.
"I want all weapons aimed and fired at that ship!" Mara cried as she walked in. "I want nothing but space dust remaining! Fire!!"
"Umm, Mara?" said Leia timidly.
"WHAT!" yelled Mara.
"They've gone. They scarpered while you were with Luke."
The room descended into deathly quiet. "Your joking, right?" asked Mara, her voice as cold as death.

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 3:22 PM
Leia looked terrified. "No." she said. "They've really gone!"
No one spoke. Finally Mara raised her head and grinned evilly.
"No problem!" she said. "We'll track them with the locator on their ship! They won't escape this time!"
Again, Leia looked scared. "Umm, no we won't. They've found and disabled their locator. They've gone."


Meanwhile, the Punks ship was halfway across the galaxy. The Punks were having a drinking contest; who could drink the most and still successfully navigate through an asteroid field in one of the escape pods. Suddenly, they heard a faint scream full of bitterness and rage.
"Did you hear that?" said Anakin. "It sounded like Aunt Mara!"
The twins looked at one another. "Nah." they replied in unison.

Total Posts: 484
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 3:33 PM
It was Tahiri's turn to go through the asteroid field. All the others had succesfully made it through after ten synthahols and a bottle of Babycham. Tahiri had upped the stakes by drinking a bottle of something they had found in a locker called WD40.
"I'llll be fine!" she said, slurring. "Jus', jus' watch and you'll see!"
She climbed in the escape pod and off she went. The punks watched her from one of the ship's monitors.
"Go left!" said Jaina.
"No, right!" said Anakin.
Suddenly a big asteroid loomed in front of the pod. Then the pod was gone.
"Oh, no!" cried Anakin. "Tahiri's dead!"
Suddenly the comm channel opened. "No I'm not!" answered Tahiri. "I'm fine. You guys have to come and see what I've found on this asteroid. You're never going to believe it!"
~~~ *Green Lead* ~~~

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 4:51 PM
back on the ship w/ Mara and Luke...
"Luke! What did you DO to your head!" Mara screamed. Luke grinned and finished his new hair cut. Mara stood in shock, her jaw hit the floor with a dull thud as he completed.
"Do you like?" he asked. Mara shut her mouth.
"Have you gone insane again?!" she yelled.
"No." Luke said. He had shaved his entire head, excpet for a patch of long brown hair that looked like a pony tail. He braided it and looped it up like Leia often did to her hair. Then he pulled on one of his sister's dresses. Mara began to scream hystarically and ran from the room.
Anakin and Jaina decided to go find Tahiri. She had banked her pod on the asteroid. They flew into a small cave and landed. Then Zekk, the only one of them who was still sober, went to go find her. When he returned, Tahiri was basically cross-eyed with drunkeness. Anakin ran and retrived his girlfriend from Zeek.
~^~^~^~^~^SF Officer^~^~^~^~^~^~

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 4:57 PM
both of them being as drunk as they were, they tripped over each other and landed sprawled on the floor. The twins had some target pratice shooting rocks before Zekk could shut the hatch. When he did, there was a rumble.
"Geez, like, what was that?" Jaina asked. Tahiri had passed out, and they had laid her on a couch in the lounge.
"I don' know. You go an' see." Jacen said. Jaina pushed herself into the cockpit and collapsed in the copilot's chair.
"Get us outta here!" Zekk yelled suddenly. Jaina frowned, trying to see the controls. Eventually, with Lowie's help, she got the ship flying. They zoomed towards the tunnel exit. Jaina noticed blankly that the tunnel had teeth. It seemed to be closing. Jacen screamed and passed out as he saw. Lowie quickly revived him by splashing a beer on his face.
"This is the biggest animal I've ever seen!" he said, his brandy brown eyes wide.
~^~^SF OFFICER^~^~

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 5:04 PM
Jaina quickly got them out of the tunnel. She noticed that she couldn't get into hyperspace. Her twin fainted again. Jaina quickly found out why.
Mara's ship was waiting for them. She passed out as well, weather it was from the beer or from the sight of her aunt's ship...
Mara quickly captured the Punks. It seemed that they were drunk again. Only Zekk was in fighting condition. She quickly tied him up, with Leia's help. They locked the Punks in a small cell. This had once been an Imperial ship, after all. There was a nice sized detention level.
After about three hours in hyperspace, the twins came to. Mara laughed as she heard the punks banging on the walls, then wondered if this was one of their songs.
Anakin gave up. His aunt was as warm hearted as a Hutt. They would be Rancor-food for breakfast by the time she was done with them. It didn't help that the stuff Tahiri had drank gave her a hangover. There wasn't alot of room to throw up.
~^~^~^SF Officer^~^~^~

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 5:18 PM
Jaina and Jacen tried their best to open the door with the force. Eventually, their Uncle brought them all some food. Anakin was dismaied at the lack of a beer.
"I caught that!" Luke said sharply. "Your mother and father are on this ship! What would Leia do if you turned up drunk?"
"Uh...maybe kill us?" Anakin said.
"I'm doing you a favor, Punk. Stay straight so Mara doesn't go too hard on ya." he said. To make things sweet, Tahiri upchucked on his Jedi robes brfore he left. The Punks snickered as Luke slid and fell on his bottom.
Mara plugged her nose as Luke entered the bridge.
"Ug! Go take a shower!" Leia said.
"It wasn't me!" he said. "It was one of those Punks!"
"They're sick?" she asked. "What one? You can't keep them locked up if they're sick!"
"It was your son's girlfriend." Luke snapped.
"What one?" Leia asked.
"The little one!" Luke spat. Leia's face clouded.
"Mara, I'm getting her out." she said.
~^~^SF Officer^~^~

Total Posts: 104
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 5:26 PM
Now that they finally retrieved the punks, they decided to figure out what to do with them. This led to a big fight, with Leia feeling quite guilty, Mirax, very upset at the state of her children, Mara mad at them and herself for recent happenings, Luke feeling helpless, guilty and distressed,and a staring Han, Corran, Chewbacca, Kyp, and hundreds of tormented Imperials confused and annoyed.

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 5:27 PM
"Oh no you're not! I captured them!" Mara shot back.
"I don't care. They're only teenagers!" she said. Mara threw her hands in the air.
"And while you're at it, why don't you give them some food, too?" she said sarcastically.
"Uh, I already did that." Luke said guiltily. Mara heaved a sigh.
"Fine, then."
"I want to go too! Mara's going to kill us all! I'm not letting Tahiri out of my sight!"
"You can shut up and let me take her, or you can keep yelling and let me leave her here. I'm sure that by the smell of this cell, you'd rather have me take her." Leia said.
"Yes! I mean, no! You're confusing me!" Anakin cried.
"I'm so sorry for that. Let me put it simpler. You keep yelling, I let her barf on you. You stop, I let her barf on Mara!"
"On Mara?" Jacen said. Leia smiled smugly.
"Yup. You deserve some freedom. I'm letting you all go. Just give me time." she said. Anakin smiled.
"Thanks mom." he said.
~^~^~^SF Officer^~^~^~ (out)

Total Posts: 104
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 5:29 PM
~* Sorry, My Brothers Computer is messed read me as Jwiskid87... and the sign in page wont'm using this name this time.

Next time I'll use my usual name.(ROGUEeleven)

*~* Green Two *~*

Total Posts: 464
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 5:29 PM
(sorry, I didn't see your post)

Total Posts: 104
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 5:30 PM
Please Disregard my posts...I didn't realize someone else was posting

Total Posts: 104
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 5:33 PM
My fault i caught u midpost
Bad furday: Uncombed

Total Posts: 553
Date Posted: Feb 4, 2002 6:39 PM
"You're going to negotiatewith Mara?!" asked Luke disbelievingly. "When watching the holovision, it's either her way or no way!"
"Well of course things will work out" said Leia." I wasn't the Chief of State for nothing!"
Leia followed Mara into a private room. Luke wandered nervously in the halls. A loud crash came from the room, followed by angry shouting. Luke poked his head through the doorway to make sure everything was alright, but quickly retreated as a chair sailed over his head, missing him by centimeters.
Bad furday: Uncombed